User:Amal priyanka/Webb's Depth of Knowledge

There are four Levels of Webb’s depth of knowledge

  1. Recall and Reproduction
  2. Skills and concepts
  3. Short term strategic thinking
  4. Extended thinking


  • Level 1: In this level it’s require to recall the facts or rote application of simple procedure. Copying, computing, defining and recognizing are typical level 1 tasks. In this, task does not require any cognitive effort.
  • Level 2: Student must make some decisions about their approach. It mainly involves the tasks with more than one mental step such as comparing, summarizing, predicting and estimating are belongs to level 2.
  • Level 3: Here thinking is more complicated. Here task with multiple valid responses where students must justify their choices be the *level 3. Examples, solving problems, designing experiments etc.
  • Level 4: fourth level requires effective cognitive effort. Students extract information from multiple sources or transfer of knowledge from one domain to solve problems in another.

How it is used in cognitive rigor?


The term, Cognitive Rigor, was originally coined by The Standards Company LLC in 2007. The idea of interlacing Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb's Depth-of-Knowledge to create a new tool for measuring curricular quality was completed two years earlier by Karin Hess of the National Center for Assessment, producing a 4 X 6 matrix (the Cognitive Rigor Matrix or Hess Matrix) for categorizing the Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb's Depth-of-Knowledge levels for each activity or question appearing in curricular materials. The Cognitive Rigor Matrix aligns the six Bloom’s Taxonomy levels along the columns of the matrix and the four Webb's Depth-of-Knowledge levels along the rows.

Cognitive rigor


Is combined process of webs depth of knowledge and bloom’s taxonomy and is used to categorize the level of abstraction of questions and activities in education.

