User:Altes2009/Italian inventions

I have been trying to expand this page but I have met with considerable resistance from wikipedians. I want to post here all the material and references I have found so that someone else can try to insert the information in the list once proper references can be given. be careful because wikipedians have a tendency to delete EVERYTHING, not just the parts that they have a problem with. If they took the time to research the subject they would find that this information is indeed accurate.

Modern Italian Inventions 1860 to today
1) Aerial Warfare ---- Italian Army-War with Turkey 1911
Reference: Giulio Douhet, Command of the Air (USAF Warrior Studies), Office of Air Force History, United States Government Printing Office (1983), trade paperback, ISBN 0-912799-10-2; trade paperback, Airforce History Museums Pro (1998) , 406 pages, ISBN 0-16-049772-8; hardcover, Arno Press (1942), 396 pages, ISBN 0-405-04567-0; hardcover, Natraj Publishers, (2003), 325 pages, ISBN 81-8158-002-8); first published in 1921; Coward McCann & Geoghegan, (1942), hardcover, 394 pages; Faber and Faber (1943), hardcover 325 pages; Collector's Edition, Easton Press, Library of Military History (1994), ISBN 0-405-04567-0

2) Aerial Bombing -------------- Italian Army-War with Turkey 1911
Reference: Giulio Douhet, Command of the Air (USAF Warrior Studies), Office of Air Force History, United States Government Printing Office (1983), trade paperback, ISBN 0-912799-10-2; trade paperback, Airforce History Museums Pro (1998) , 406 pages, ISBN 0-16-049772-8; hardcover, Arno Press (1942), 396 pages, ISBN 0-405-04567-0; hardcover, Natraj Publishers, (2003), 325 pages, ISBN 81-8158-002-8); first published in 1921; Coward McCann & Geoghegan, (1942), hardcover, 394 pages; Faber and Faber (1943), hardcover 325 pages; Collector's Edition, Easton Press, Library of Military History (1994), ISBN 0-405-04567-0 3) Aerial Reconaissance------ Italian Army-War with Turkey 1911
Reference: Giulio Douhet, Command of the Air (USAF Warrior Studies), Office of Air Force History, United States Government Printing Office (1983), trade paperback, ISBN 0-912799-10-2; trade paperback, Airforce History Museums Pro (1998) , 406 pages, ISBN 0-16-049772-8; hardcover, Arno Press (1942), 396 pages, ISBN 0-405-04567-0; hardcover, Natraj Publishers, (2003), 325 pages, ISBN 81-8158-002-8); first published in 1921; Coward McCann & Geoghegan, (1942), hardcover, 394 pages; Faber and Faber (1943), hardcover 325 pages; Collector's Edition, Easton Press, Library of Military History (1994), ISBN 0-405-04567-0

4) Aerial Transport of Supplies ------- Italian Army-War with Turkey 1911

Reference: Giulio Douhet, Command of the Air (USAF Warrior Studies), Office of Air Force History, United States Government Printing Office (1983), trade paperback, ISBN 0-912799-10-2; trade paperback, Airforce History Museums Pro (1998) , 406 pages, ISBN 0-16-049772-8; hardcover, Arno Press (1942), 396 pages, ISBN 0-405-04567-0; hardcover, Natraj Publishers, (2003), 325 pages, ISBN 81-8158-002-8); first published in 1921; Coward McCann & Geoghegan, (1942), hardcover, 394 pages; Faber and Faber (1943), hardcover 325 pages; Collector's Edition, Easton Press, Library of Military History (1994), ISBN 0-405-04567-0

5) Airpower Strategy------------- Giulio Douhet 1911
Reference: Giulio Douhet, Command of the Air (USAF Warrior Studies), Office of Air Force History, United States Government Printing Office (1983), trade paperback, ISBN 0-912799-10-2; trade paperback, Airforce History Museums Pro (1998) , 406 pages, ISBN 0-16-049772-8; hardcover, Arno Press (1942), 396 pages, ISBN 0-405-04567-0; hardcover, Natraj Publishers, (2003), 325 pages, ISBN 81-8158-002-8); first published in 1921; Coward McCann & Geoghegan, (1942), hardcover, 394 pages; Faber and Faber (1943), hardcover 325 pages; Collector's Edition, Easton Press, Library of Military History (1994), ISBN 0-405-04567-0

6) Afterburner ----- Secondo Campini 1941

The Caproni-Campini N.1 used an ingenious way of propelling itself. The piston engine inside the fuselage drove a ducted fan and fuel was bled and ignited in the compressed air emitted through the tailpipe. With a maximum speed of only 375 km/h (233 mph), the N.1 served only to prove its propulsion concept was possible. The design limitations meant that development would be fruitless, and as Italy’s war effort gained momentum, thoughts turned to more immediate problems. It is perhaps surprising at first sight that, having been the second nation to fly an air-breathing jet-propelled aeroplane, Italy did not feature among the leading nations in this field of technology. But in truth the Caproni-Campini N.1 was no more than an ingenious freak which employed a conventional piston engine to drive a variable-pitch ducted – fan compressor with rudimentary afterburning. As such it did nothing to further gas turbine research, and was to all intents and purposes a technical dead-end. The engineer Secondo Campini had created a company in 1931 to pursue research into reaction propulsion and in 1939 persuaded Caproni to build an aircraft to accommodate the fruits of this work, namely the adaptation of an Isotta- Fraschini radial engine driving a ducted-fan compressor; the compressed air was exhausted through a variable-area nozzle in the aircraft’s extreme tail, and additional fuel could be ignited in the tailpipe to increase thrust. The real innovation of Caproni Campini jet was not in the main engine (a normal piston engine) but in the Jet after-burner. A ducted propeller worked as an air compressor pumping fresh air in a Venturi duct: the injection of fuel worked as the first afterburners used on F-100 Super Sabre during 1950’s. There were not annular combustion chambers and the ducted propeller was unable to change hydraulically the inclination of the blades (pitch). Also the jet exhaust had no flux adjustment by changing the outer diameter of the outlet, like it happens on modern jets. These were the reasons of the too long venturi duct crossing the fuselage. Now try to imagine, as a never built CC2, a turbo-diesel engine moving hydraulically an adjustable pitch fan in a short duct having annular combustion chamber and a variable geometry outlet…this never to be produced evolution of Caproni Campini could fly at low speed with the lowest consumption possible of vegetable oil (colza, sesami ect) closest as possible to the Allied bomber “boxes” and after attacking – by using the afterburner! The CC1 solution was totally different from both other jet solutions (Axial and Centrifugal) because the thermodynamic performance of any engine is linked to entropy (dQ/dt°C). The higher the temperature in the combustion chamber the more the energy really useful for weight of fuel burned per second: internal combustion engines (piston engines) have an internal “flame” temperature varying from 900 °C to 1400°C in the while jet engines never exceed 700°C-750°C. But a jet theoretically can exceed the speed of the exhausted gases (rule of parallelogram of forces plus reaction): an after-burner can push out gases with a speed largely supersonic. With a sudden injection of methyl alcohol into the after burner this CC2 could have a good chance to reach or pass Mach1 during a climbing high Mach strafing attack to the allied close bomber box-formations, to be repeated till end of alcoholic fuel. Finally this strange half-jet would have the possibility to reach its own landing-site by mean of the diesel engine at “cruise economical” speed and without burning a litre of rare petrol… This was the real final target for the Caproni-Campini project: the first supersonic “no-petrol” interceptor. The only competitors were the German rocket fighter Me-163, Me-263, Ju-248. Stupidly this intrepid and successful development program was stopped at the very beginning: with the death of Italo Balbo the genius of Prof. Campini was forgotten. The two-seat low-wing N.1 (sometimes referred to as the CC.1) was first flown at Taliedo on 28 August 1940 by Mario de Bernadi. A number of set-piece demonstration flights was undertaken, including one of 270 km (168 miles) from Taliedo to Guidoma at an average speed of 209 km/h (130 mph), but it was clear from the outset that use of a three-stage fan compressor driven by a piston engine would limit further development, and the experiment was abandoned early in 1942 when Italy was faced with sterner priorities. The only other developer of Campini type jet was Japanese Navy, who used this type engine on their Ohka 22 kamikaze planes. The N.1 survives today in the Museo della Scienza Technica at Milan as a monument to ingenuity if not sophisticated technology. Specification Type: two-seat research aircraft Powerplant: one 900-hp (671-kW) Isotta-Fraschini radial piston engine driving a three-stage ducted-fan compressor Performance: maximum speed 375 km/h (233 mph) Ceiling: 13,000 feet Range at cruising speed: 168 miles Time to climb to 13,000 feet: 53 minutes! Weights: empty 3640kg (8,025 lb); maximum take-off 4195 kg (9,248 lb) Dimensions: span 15.85m (52ft 0 in); length 13,10 m (43 ft 0 in); wing area 36.00m2 (387.51sqft) Armament: none

Alendronate -------- Istituto Gentili 1980s

Ambulance------ Arcicoonfraternita Della Misericordia (florence) 1244

Amici Prism

An Amici prism, named for the astronomer Giovanni Amici, is a type of compound dispersive prism which is used as a spectrometer. The Amici prism consists of two triangular prisms in contact, with the first typically being made from a medium-dispersion crown glass, and the second a higher-dispersion flint glass. Light entering the first prism is refracted, refracted again at the interface between the two prisms, then exits the second prism at near-normal incidence. The prism angles and materials are chosen such that one wavelength (colour) of light, the centre wavelength, exits the prism parallel to (but offset from) the entrance beam. Other wavelengths are deflected at angles dependent about the dispersion of the materials. Looking at a light source through the prism thus shows the optical spectrum of the source. Often, the prism is joined back-to-back with a reflected copy of itself. This three prism arrangement, known as a double Amici prism, increases the angular dispersion of the assembly, and has the useful property that the centre wavelength is refracted back into the direct line of the entrance beam. The prism assembly is thus a direct-vision prism, and is commonly used as such in hand-held spectroscopes. Giovanni Battista Amici (25 March 1786 – 10 April 1863) was an Italian astronomer and microscopist. Amici was born in Modena, Italy. After studying at Bologna, he became professor of mathematics at Modena, and in 1831 was appointed inspector-general of studies in the duchy. A few years later he was chosen director of the observatory at Florence, where he also lectured at the museum of natural history. Amici died in Florence in April 1863. His name is best known for the improvements he effected in the mirrors of reflecting telescopes and especially in the construction of the microscope. He was also a diligent and skillful observer, and busied himself not only with astronomical subjects, such as the double stars, the satellites of Jupiter and the measurement of the polar and equatorial diameters of the sun, but also with biological studies of the circulation of the sap in plants, the fructification of plants, infusoria etc. He invented the dipleidoscope The crater Amici on the Moon is named in his honour. References: Ronchi, Vasco (1970). "Amici, Giovan Battista". Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 135-137. ISBN 0684101149. (Note: this source gives Amici's date of death as 1868).

Amici Roof Prism

An Amici roof prism, named for its inventor, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Amici, is a type of reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by 90° while simultaneously inverting the image. It is commonly used in the eyepieces of telescopes as an image erecting system. The device is shaped like a standard right-angled prism with an additional "roof" section (consisting of two faces meeting at a 90° angle) on the longest side. Total internal reflection from the roof section flips the image laterally. The handedness of the image is unchanged. The roof faces of the prism are sometimes coated to provide mirror surfaces. This allows the prism to be used with a wider range of beam entrance angles without being limited by total internal reflection. The non-dispersive Amici roof prism should not be confused with the dispersive Amici prism. References: Ronchi, Vasco (1970). "Amici, Giovan Battista". Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 135-137. ISBN 0684101149. (Note: this source gives Amici's date of death as 1868).

Anemometer------ Leon Battista Alberti 1450

Anesthesia------- Ugo Da Lucca 1200

Artificial Insemination ---- Lazzaro Spallanzani (done at Pavia) 1784
very important achievement that revolutionized animal breeding practices

Artificial Pneumothorax -- Carlo Forlanini 1882

Attack Frogmen (See also italian commando frogmen-Navy seals) --- Italian Navy 1918

Ball Bearings ---------------Leonardo Da Vinci

Ballistics-------Niccolo Tartaglia

Banks ---- Bank of San Giorgio,Genoa 1149

Barometer------- Evangelista Torricelli 1643

Bassoon ----- Afranio of Pavia 1500

Binishells (airform buildings)-- Dante Bini 1970s

B.L.A.S.T. Algorhytm --- Gerard J. Foschini 1996 (italian american inventor)

Bobbin ------- Leonardo Da Vinci

Broma Process---------- Domenico Ghirardelli 1865

Canal (waterway) ---- Milan 1179

Carbon Paper -------- Pellegrino Turri 1806

Carburetor --------- Luigi De Cristofori 1876

The 'Cardan' suspension of a gimbal is named after the Italian inventor Gerolamo Cardano (1501–1576),[1] who described the device in detail this device made inertial navigation possible

Cephalosporin Antibiotics--------- Giuseppe Brotzu 1948

Clock -------------- Milan 1335

Cloning (first horse)-------- Cesare Galli 2003

Cloning Wildlife (Gaur)---- Philip Damiani 2001 (italian american scientist)

Cologne ----- Johann Maria Farina 1709

Combination Lock G. Cardano

Compass ---------- Flavio Gioia 1302

Condom ------------- Gabriele Fallopio 1564

Convertible Couch-----Bernardo Castro---- 1931
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:21, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

More italian inventions


here is more info on italian inventions with dates and some references to be better organized for this page

Coronary Stent ---------- Cesare Gianturco 1976
References: 1. ^ The Gianturco-Roubin balloon-expandable intracoronary flexible coil stent. Macander PJ, Agrawal SK, Roubin GS. J Invasive Cardiol. 1991 Mar-Apr;3(2):85-94. Review.
Decompression Chamber----Alberto Gianni----1916
Dictionary---------------- Ambrogio Calepino 1502

Digital Synthesizer (music) --- Giuseppe Di Giugno 1976

Double Entry Accounting---- Amatino Manucci 14th century

Doxorubicin (Chemotherapy)---- Farmitalia Spa 1950s

Electric Battery--------- Alessandro Volta 1800

Electric Cable ----- Giuseppe Pirelli 1884

Electric Motor ------- Antonio Pacinotti 1858

Electromagnetic Seismograph------- Luigi Palmieri 1856

Electrophorus---------- Alessandro Volta----------1775

Electroplating ------- Luigi V Brugnatelli 1805

Electrotherapy for depression ----- Cerletti & Bini

Encyclopedia --------- Domenico Bandini 15th century

EndoFlex endotracheal tube----- Andrew J Toti (italian american)

Epidemiology ----- Girolamo Fracastoro

Espresso Machine---- Achille Gaggia 1946

Eyeglasses----- Salvino Armati 1280

Fast Attack Craft----- Italian Navy 1915. captain Luigi rizzo sank austrian battleship St Istvan in WWI

Fax Machine------ Giovanni Caselli 1861

Flexible Wing ------ Francis Rogallo 1948 (italian american engineer)
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:32, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

More and more Italian inventions


For italians, italian-americans are 100% italians, but wikipedia thinks otherwise so we have to follow their rules....even in deciding who is one of us...go figure...

Fork ----- Italy 1100

Fractal Lines (Math)---- Giuseppe Paseo 1896

Gelato (Ice Cream)---- Bernardo Buontalenti 16th century

Harpsichord ----- Italy-unknown inventor 1500

Helicopter ----- Enrico Forlanini 1877 Corradino D’Ascanio 1930
this is a very controversial topic and wikipedia will not accept this even though there is no question that the first self-powered helicopter to lift off the ground and fly for 20 seconds was Forlanini's

Hepatitis B Vaccine----- Enzo Paoletti 1983

Highway ----- the Milano Laghi 1925

Hydrofoil -------- Enrico Forlanini 1900

Hydrostatic Balance----- Galileo Galilei 1596 ?

Hypocycloids/Cardan Circles – G Cardano (used in high speed printing presses)

Inflatable Lifevest--------- Andrew J Toti 1936 (an italian-american inventor)

Jacuzzi Pool Tub---- Roy Jacuzzi 1968 (italian american inventor)

Jazz Music-- Domenico La Rocca 1917

Jet Boat-- Secondo Campini 1931

“Knockout Mice” - Mario Capecchi 1989

Ice Cream Cone - Italo Marcioni 1896

Internal Combustion Engine - Eugenio Barsanti & Felice Matteucci 1854

Internal Combustion Engine- Carmelo Scuderi 2001 (Scuderi Cycle)
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:38, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

still more italian inventions


Please add them to the page only when overwhelming references have been accumulated to avoid deletion

Interventional Radiology: Cesare Gianturco

Law School- Studium of Pavia AD 825 Oldest law school in the world-

Carbon Filament Light Bulb---- Alessandro Cruto 1881

References: 1) "Il sogno luminoso di Cruto", di Andrea Albini, pubbl. su "Le Scienze (Scientific American)", num.484, dic.2008, pag.127 2) 3) 4)

Liposuction --- Giorgio Fischer 1974

Lotto and lottery --- Florence 1530
Macchina Michela -----Antonio Michela Zucco ----1862

Magic Lantern Projector --- Della Porta 16th Century and Matteo Campani

Mammalian Cell Culture Media--- Renato Dulbecco, nobel prize winner

Medical School ---- Salerno 9th century

Microprocessor ---- Federico Faggin--- 1970-1971

references 1) F. Faggin and M. E. Hoff: "Standard Parts and Custom Design Merge in a Four-chip Processor Kit". "Electronics" , April 24, 1972 2) F. Faggin, et al.: "The MCS-4 An LSI Microcomputer System". "IEEE 1972 Region Six Conference" 3) 4)

Microscopic Anatomy & Histology---Marcello Malpighi-----1660s

Mole (Chemical Concept) Amedeo Avogadro

Molecular Engine ------ Carlo Montemagno (nanotech) 1997

Montessori Method of education----- Maria Montessori 1907

Mopp Chemo for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma-----Dr De Vita

Motor Scooter (vespa) --- Corradino D’Ascanio 1946

Mountain Paratroopers----Para’Alpini (still the only ones in the world--) 1950s

Mountain Troops ---- Italian Armi-Alpini 1872

Movie Sound Track---- Romolo Bacchioni 1906

MPEG (precursor of MP-3)---- Leonardo Chiariglione 1988

Musical Notation----- Guido Da Arezzo 1028

Newspaper ------ Venice 1563

NitroGlycerin ----- Ascanio Sobrero 1846

Nuclear Reactor Enrico Fermi-------1942
In 1938, Fermi received the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 37 for his "demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons". Patents: • 2206634, Process for the Production of Radioactive Substances, filed October, 1935, issued July, 1940
• 2524379, Neutron Velocity Selector, filed September, 1945, issued October, 1950
• 2708656, Neutronic reactor, with Leó Szilárd, filed December, 1944, issued May, 1955
• 2768134, Testing Material in a Neutronic Reactor, filed August, 1945, issued October, 1956
• 2780595, Test Exponential Pile, filed May, 1944, issued February 1957
• 2798847, Method of Operating a Neutronic Reactor, filed December 1944, issued July, 1957
• 2807581, Neutronic Reactor, filed October 1945, issued September, 1957
• 2807727, Neutronic Reactor Shield, filed January 1946, issued September, 1957
• 2813070, Method of Sustaining a Neutronic Chain Reacting System, filed November, 1945, issued November, 1957
• 2836554, Air Cooled Neutronic Reactor
• 2837477, Chain Reacting System
• 2852461, Neutronic Reactor
• 2931762, Neutronic Reactor
• 2969307, Method of Testing Thermal Neutron Fissionable Material for Purity, filed November 1945, issued January 1961

Oxygen Rebreather---Dario Gonzatti-Emilio Cressi—Duilio Marcante-

Parachute ----- Leonardo Da Vinci 1480
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:45, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

and more Inventions


Paratroopers ------ Italian Army 1927 Italian army was the first to experiment with paratroopers

Parawing ----- Francis Rogallo 1957 (italian american inventor)

Patent Law------Venice--------1474

The history of patents and patent laws is generally considered to have started in Italy with a Venetian Statute of 1474 which was issued by the Republic of Venice.[1] They issued a decree by which new and inventive devices, once they had been put into practice, had to be communicated to the Republic in order to obtain legal protection against potential infringers. The period of protection was 10 years.[2]The first Italian patent was actually awarded by the Republic of Florence in 1421 References: ^ Helmut Schippel: Die Anfänge des Erfinderschutzes in Venedig, in: Uta Lindgren (Hrsg.): Europäische Technik im Mittelalter. 800 bis 1400. Tradition und Innovation, 4. Aufl., Berlin 2001, S.539-550 ISBN 3-7861-1748-9

Pneumatic Tyre ---- Giuseppe Pirelli 1889

Pendolino Train------- Fiat Ferroviaria 1969 this train was sold to numerous european contries: UK, Finland, czech republic etc

Perspective Drawing----- Paolo Uccello 15th Century

Piano ----- Bartolomeo Cristofori 1709

Pistol -----------------------Alessandro Volta

Polymers---------- Giulio Natta 1957 Nobel prize winner

Polypropylene ----- Giulio Natta 1954 Nobel prize winner

Porro Prism
In optics, a Porro prism, named for its inventor Ignazio Porro, is a type of reflection prism used in optical instruments to alter the orientation of an image. It was invented around 1850. It consists of a block of glass shaped as a right geometric prism with right-angled triangular end faces. In operation, light enters the large rectangular face of the prism, undergoes total internal reflection twice from the sloped faces, and exits again through the large rectangular face. Because the light exits and enters the glass only at normal incidence, the prism is not dispersive. An image travelling through a Porro prism is rotated by 180° and exits in the opposite direction offset from its entrance point. Since the image is reflected twice, the handedness of the image is unchanged. Porro prisms are most often used in pairs, forming a double Porro prism. A second prism, rotated 90° with respect to the first, is placed such that the beam will traverse both prisms. The net effect of the prism system is a beam parallel to but displaced from its original direction, with the image rotated 180°. As before, the handedness of the image is unchanged. Double Porro prism systems are used in small optical telescopes to re-orient an inverted image (an arrangement is known as a image erection system), and especially in many binoculars where they both erect the image and provide a longer, folded distance between the objective lenses and the eyepieces. Commonly, the two components of the double Porro system are cemented together, and the prisms may be truncated to save weight and size. A single Porro prism is a type of roof prism, though it is not used in this way in binoculars. A variation on the double Porro prism is the Porro-Abbe prism.

Plastic Surgery ---- Gaspare Tagliacozzi 1500s

Prints (of drawings) ---- Domenico Campagnola 1500
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:49, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

you guessed it: more inventions


Quick release Skewer----Tullio Campagnolo-----1927

The mechanism was invented in 1927 by Tullio Campagnolo, an Italian bicycle racer, He was frustrated when he needed to repair a flat tire during a race. The weather had turned cold, and his hands were numb, so he could not operate the wingnuts which retained the wheel. He had been well-placed prior to the puncture, but lost valuable time. Another Campagnolo invention that made use of the quick-release mechanism was the Cambio Corsa, a multi-gear changing system consisting of a rear wheel quick-release lever with a mechanical extension that placed the lever itself near the bicycle's saddle, combined with a fork that served as a primitive version of a rear derailleur (without idler pulleys to take up slack), that also had a control lever near the bicycle saddle. This innovation enabled bicycle riders quickly to change gears while in motion by releasing the axle, moving the rear wheel slightly forward by applying tension to the chain, actuating the fork to change to a larger sprocket, and tightening the quick release again; or else releasing the axle, actuating the fork to change to a smaller sprocket, moving the wheel slightly rearward by braking, and tightening the quick release again. The quick-release mechanism, along with other innovations and high standards of manufacture, enabled Campagnolo to become a leading road cycling and track cycling component manufacturer.

Radio Direction Finder----------------Ettore Bellini and Alessandro Tosi 1907

Repeating Rifle--------Bartolomeo Gilardoni----1799 50 years before the Henry rifle...and way more advanced mechanically

References: • W. Hummelberger & L. Scharer, "Die österreichische Militär-Repetierwindbüchse und ihr Erfinder Bartholomäus Girandoni", Waffen und Köstumkunde, vol. VI (1964) e VII (1965). • Mario Morin, "Schioppi a vento a Cortina", Diana Armi, vol. VIII (1969), n°3, pp. 82-87.

Sphygmomanometer Dr Rova-Ricci

Stem Cell transplant for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Alberto Marmont De Haut Champs (sounds french but he is from Piemonte-Italy) 1996
reference: Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disease R.K Burt and A. Marmont; Landes Bioscience georgetown, Texas USA. ISBN 1-58706-031-0

Stem Cell Transplant For Type-1 Diabetes Julio Voltarelli (Brazilian-Italian) 2007

Gene Therapy Using Stem Cells as gene vectors-- Claudio Bordignon 1992

Telephone ----- Antonio Meucci 1871
Three-Way Light Bulb --- Alessandro Dandini------ 20th Century

Torpedo (weapon)---- Giovanni Battista Luppis 1860

Typewriter ---- Pellegrino Turri 1808

Wide Screen Movies------------ Filoteo Alberini------- 1914

Sea Walls ---------Venice ---------------1782

Stock Exchange --- Della Borsa Family/Van der Bourse-------- 1600s

Symphony ----- Giovanni Battista Sammartini 1734

Thermometer ---- Galileo Galilei -------------1593

Trebuchet-----------------Mariano Taccola------------------------1400s

Universal Joint also called Cardanic Joint ---- Girolamo Cardano 1545

University --- Bologna 1083 first university in the world..still in operation

Wheel Lock-------- Leonardo Da Vinci-------- 15th century

Vermouth------- Antonio Benedetto Carpano------- 1786

Vibram Soles----Vitale Bramani----1937--If you are a mountaneer you know why they are such a great invention. No Vibrams, no mountain troops

Violin Italy-unknown inventor Renaissance period

Viterbi Algorhytm ---- Andrew James Viterbi 1967
VVA-14 Wing-In-Ground/Aircraft Hybrid Roberto Orso Di Bartini 1972

Zamboni ------- Frank J. Zamboni 1949
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 23:58, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

Inventions in italy by the romans, etruscans and in the greek colonies in Italy


Archimedes was born in Italy!!

Inventions during the Roman Period Alphabet (Latin Alphabet)
Books (codex books)
First Tunnel Under a Mountain -- -- Passo Del Furlo
Guerrilla Warfare---- Quintus Fabius Maximus “Cunctator” 217 BC
Nails (metal nails)------ 8th century BC
Neurosurgery the skull of a young girl found in a roman necropolis clearly shows a neurosurgery procedure attempted on her

Road Network
Roman Law
Scissors (cross bladed)
Street Paving ----

Pre-Roman Inventions Runic Alphabet (by the Italic Peoples)
Dentures (by The Etruscans) 700 BC

Italo-Graeco Inventions and Scientific Discoveries Screw Pump-----Archimedes Of Syracuse (Magna Graecia-Sicily)
Hydrostatics-----Archimedes Of Syracuse (Magna Graecia-Sicily)
Lever Principle -----Archimedes Of Syracuse (Magna Graecia-Sicily)
Statics-----Archimedes Of Syracuse (Magna Graecia-Sicily)
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 00:02, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

I am not finished...yet!


'Bold text'Italian Scientific Discoveries and Advances in Mathematics Antiprotons ---- Emilio Segre’
Avogadro’s Law----Amedeo Avogadro
Typhoid fever---- First described by Cardano
Solutions to the Cubic and quartic Equations – G. Cardano
Binomial Coefficients- G Cardano
Binomial Theorem – G. Cardano
Probability Theory – G Cardano
Imaginary Numbers – G. Cardano
Golgi Receptor- Camillo Golgi
Golgi Stain- Camillo Golgi
Digestive Processes- first described by Lazzaro Spallanzani
Stem cells responsible for causing Colon Cancer; Ruggero DeMaria 2007
Cosmic X-Rays Riccardo Giacconi
Fibonacci’s Series Leonardo Fibonacci 1202
Golgi Apparatus Camillo Golgi
Atherosclerosis First described by Leonardo Da Vinci 1500s
SARS Virus discovered Carlo Urbani 2003
Nerve Growth Factor Rita Levi-Montalcini-Nobel prize

Genetic Mutations arise in the absence of selection Salvador E Luria 1943 Nobel Prize
Oncoviruses--------------------Renato Dulbecco Nobel Prize
reverse transcriptase--------Renato Dulbecco
Joseph-Louis Lagrange (Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia)
Lagrange was one of the creators of the calculus of variations, deriving the Euler–Lagrange equations for extrema of functionals. He also extended the method to take into account possible constraints, arriving at the method of Lagrange multipliers. Lagrange invented the method of solving differential equations known as variation of parameters, applied differential calculus to the theory of probabilities and attained notable work on the solution of equations. He proved that every natural number is a sum of four squares. His treatise Theorie des fonctions analytiques laid some of the foundations of group theory, anticipating Galois. In calculus, Lagrange developed a novel approach to interpolation and Taylor series. He studied the three-body problem for the Earth, Sun, and Moon (1764) and the movement of Jupiter’s satellites (1766), and in 1772 found the special-case solutions to this problem that are now known as Lagrangian points. But above all he impressed on mechanics, having transformed Newtonian mechanics into a branch of analysis, Lagrangian mechanics as it is now called, and exhibited the so-called mechanical "principles" as simple results of the variational calculus. References:
• Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed., 2005, "Lagrange, Joseph Louis."
• W. W. Rouse Ball, 1908, "Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736 - 1813)," A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, 4th ed.
• Chanson, Hubert, 2007, "Velocity Potential in Real Fluid Flows: Joseph-Louis Lagrange's Contribution," La Houille Blanche 5: 127-31.
• Fraser, Craig G., 2005, "Théorie des fonctions analytiques" in Grattan-Guinness, I., ed., Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics. Elsevier: 258-76.
• Lagrange, Joseph-Louis. (1811). Mecanique Analytique. Courcier (reissued by Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN 9781108001748)
• Lagrange, J.L. (1781) "Mémoire sur la Théorie du Mouvement des Fluides"(Memoir on the Theory of Fluid Motion) in Serret, J.A., ed., 1867. Oeuvres de Lagrange, Vol. 4. Paris" Gauthier-Villars: 695-748.
• Pulte, Helmut, 2005, "Méchanique Analytique" in Grattan-Guinness, I., ed., Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics. Elsevier: 208-24.

Malpighian Corpuscles----Marcello Malpighi
malpighian Layer---Marcello Malpighi
Malpighian Tubules----Marcello Malpighi
Isolation of Vibrio Cholerae------Filippo Pacini---1854
Pacinian Corpuscles---Filippo Pacini---1831
Methane Gas---Alessandro Volta---1778

Italian Contributions to Culture Ballet ----- Baltazarini Di Belgioioso 1489
Digital Music ----- Giorgio Moroder 1977-1978 –
Italo-Dance music style of the 70s and 80s Italo –Discomusic style of the 80s Italo-Housemusic style of late 80s Opera ----- Claudio Monteverdi & Jacopo Peri 1597
Orchestra ---- Giovanni Gabrielli 1500s
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Altes2009 (talkcontribs) 00:08, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

More useful information on Italian Inventions




To the extent that Italy is known by the majority of Americans and even Europeans, Italy is or was the place for art, opera, fine cuisine, design (fashion, industrial, etc.), and fantastic citiscapes and landscapes. This appraisal is certainly correct and can be substantiated at great length: more than half of the world art-works were created by Italians, etc. etc. But I am not here to do the substantiation; rather, this thread is meant to bring out the other face of Italy, the Italy of science, inventions, technology, and discoveries. More specifically, this thread concentrates [in a non-chrological order] on Italian deeds which are obscured by various myths that other people created -- as to the authorship of various creations and other matters. In order to directly or indirectly dispel myths, I have to present, albeit briefly, some of the things which were authored by Italians. (I have been collecting and formulating this information for quite some time.)

(# 1) OLINTO DE PRETTO (Schio, by Vicenza, 1857-1921) arrived at and published the equation between energy and mass in 1903, namely E = mc^2 [energy = mass times the square of the velocity of light]. Albert Einstein, who used to go to Italy and was familiar with the intellectual developments of the times, later on arrived at the same formula -- which the whole world is familiar with.

See: De Pretto in Wikipedia, and

(#2) GREGORIO RICCI (or RICCI-CURBASTRO) (Lugo di Ravenna, 1853-1929) was an extraordinary mathemtician. Working on the footsteps of Riemann, he created the Absolute Differential Calculus or Tensor Analysis, which he published. (Later on, he took in some of his pupils, such as Levi-Civita, for the elaboration of more publications.) A mathematics teacher by the name of Grossman taught tensor analysis to Albert Einstein, who later employed it in his General Theory of Relativity. (Since the days of Galileo, physics has been essentially mathematical, but, unlike Galileo and Newton, Einstein did not create the needed mathematics, nor did he make any radical research in physics. He is simply not the genius that some people make him to be.)


Barsanti was a physics professor at the University of Florence; Matteucci was a physical engineer. They invented the internal combustion engine (like the one you have in your car). Until then, all power machines (engines) were steam driven. Their one-piston engine, which employed inflammable spirits, was completed and announced in 1853; they obtained an international patent in 1854 (No. 1072 in London). They formed a manufacturing company. Their first engine was produced in the Benini shop (later called Pignone and today Nuovo Pignone. It had the capacity of 8 horsepower. In 1856, the power drill was created with their combustion engine; the improved 20 horsepower drill was produced at the Brera factory in Milan.

Lo and behold, in 1857, at the international Exhibition [Fair] in Paris, the Germans Otto & Langen won a prize for their combution engine, which was a copy of the Barsanti & Matteucci engine. Journalists and others who knew of the Italian invention, protested, to no avail, and to this day the myth persists that the Germans invented it.

Incidentally, the Austrian Marcus used petroil as fuel for the combustion engine, which he fitted to a cab (formelly horse driven) and thus the motor car began. In Italy, the automobile industry was started by Ricordi & Benz in 1888. (Benz developed the 4-piston engine; the four-phase mechanism had been invented and published by Italians during the Renaissance and was being used in mechanical machinery.) Italians excelled in automobile engineering and design ever since. Two of the most outstanding names are Bugatti (1900s) and Ferrari (starting in 1947, with designer Pininfarina). The Ferrari and Lamborghini cars have never been surpassed. Two other designers of the better Italian and foreign cars are Giugiaro and Bertone. (The imitations have been innumerable.)

(# 5) ALESSANDRO VOLTA (Como, 1745-1827)

A phenomenon of static electricity was observed by the ancient Greeks and some studies were made by modern Europeans. Current [flowing] electricity occurs in nature but is nearly impossible to detect without modern instruments. Current electricity was made possible by Volta's invention of a generator (a battery) in 1799. He himself had made various studies of electric phenomena and, while attempting to understand phenomena brought about experimentally by Galvani, he made his most extraordinary invention. It and the subsequent developments changed human living. (For details, imagine how you would live, if electricity generators disappeared from the face of the earth.) One of the earliest application of current electricity was for plating (electro-plating) a baser metal by a more precious metal.

As it happens with practically all Italian inventions and explorations, after they are made, somebody claims that such inventions and explorations had been made before. At

one reads that an ancient electric battery is in the Baghdad museum. Presumably it was invented by the Parthians (warriors who were ruling there) around 250. B.C. It is believed that such batteries were used for plating.


We learn that the Baghdad battery was first described by an archeologist, Wulhelm Konig, in 1938 and published in 1940. "It is unclear if Konig dug the object up himself or located it within the holdings of the museum." Apparently the pottery jar which housed the battery is one of other jars some 2000 years old.

Obviously Konig made a description of an object which was indeed in that museum, but he does not reveal who placed it there, where it came from, or who made it. (Speculations about the Parthians are not facts.)


we learn more about Konig. He found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum. When a vase was tapped, a blue patina or film separated from the surface, this being characteristic of silver electroplated onto a copper base. Obviously, then, he was facing an archeologist's problem: How come the vases act as if they had been electroplated? He must have concluded that they had been electroplated and even built a battery to confirm his theory. (Since the voltage produced is very low, somebody theorized that a series of such batteries must have been used to plate small objects. Nobody has tried to find out how big the plated vases are, and if any scientific study was made as to whether the vases were plated at all.)

Almost anything is possibile, and batteries may have been produced by the Parthians, but strangely enough, an Age of Electricity like our own never developed in the Near East, and, as far as we can tell, that battery was not used for anything but electroplating. As far as we can tell, nobody has known of, used, or invented any battery between 250 B.C. and 1799.

The article writer cleverly points out that those supposedly electroplated vases had actually been dug up in Sumer sites [Mesopotamia] Conclusion, the battery itself must have been invented by the Sumerians. This necessary pushing back of the invention reminds us of the Piri Reis map (presumably Columbus') which had to be pushed back to the pre-glacial age of Antartica. According to another theory, the Parthians or somebody must have received the battery or batteries from extra-terrestrials; the earthlings could not have invented it, since they were not even able to figure out any use of it besides electro-plating. But the superior extra-terrestrials must have had bigger and better batteries than the Baghdad one; at least they would have used copper and zinc (as Volta did) rather than copper and iron.... Of course an archeologist like Konig knew that zinc was unknown 2000 years ago and did not make the mistake of placing zinc in a 2000 year old little jar, but his archeological report had to be an unscientific one, otherwise he would have revealed his authorship.

The so-called Baghdad battery strangely resembles a historic simple leyden jar, except for the use of earthenware. Forgeries never end.

(# 7) GUGLIELMO MARCONI (Bologna, 1974-1937) > >Volta's invention of an electric current generator >gave rise to many applications of electric power and >to inventions which utilized current electricity. > >In order for the electricty to flow, there must be a >metallic closed circuit, a wire loop between the two >battery poles, through which it flows. A loop can be >cut. A simple switch or interruptor consists of a >simple device which either keeps the two cut ends >apart, or connects them. When the ends of a cut loop >are connected by a very thin wire, this wire becomes >hot and gives off light. Advanced or long-duration >heaters and lighters were developed in the course of >time [the hot plate, the electric light lamp, etc.] A >switch is used to either connect or disconnect the >electricity to any device or appliance. > >Around 1836, the American Samuel Morse invented an >ACTION on an electric system -- an electric circuit >with a switch and a "lamp." The action consists in >switching on and off the electricty so that the light >would be on for either long or short periods of time. >Probably while playing with a light switch, just as >one would be tapping music with a finger, he became >aware of a simple and astonishing fact which results >from the use of CURRENT electricity: flashes or >squirts of light, or other effects, could be either >short or long. (Here we are beyond the production of >light sparks which were known before the invention of >currents). So, he had a genial idea: to translate the >alphabet into long and short flashes or other >effects (using different configurations of longs and >shorts). Thus he created what is known as the Morse >Code, which is Morse's version of the aphabet into >electric pulses (done by switching or by >pressing a key -- to make the electric connection). > >My homemade telegraph in childhood consisted of a long >loop, from one room to another, with a key in one room >and an electric lamp in the other room. This >contraption could be called a "Light Speller," for >communicating words by means of the light-alphabet. > >Morse actually created a more advanced alphabet communicator: >as it were, he replaced the "lamp" by a morse-alphabet writer. Thus >he invented the telegraph -- the long distance >morse-code electric writer. The writing consists of >longer dashes and shorter dashes (or dots). The >invention of this writer depended on different >discoveries. [I used the example of my homemade >communication contraption >to present as clearly as possible the essential idea >of the telegraph: a systematic manipulation of an >electric circuit with a switch and a lamp or other >appliance.] > >At the time which includes the 1821-1831 period, the >British Michael Faraday made a series of very >important experiments and discoveries: When an iron >bar is crossed over by an active electric current (in >an insulated wire), the bar becomes magnetic. This >electricity-induced magnetism is called >electro-magnetism. (By going further, Faraday produced >the first electric motor.) Somehow the iron becomes >magnetic even though no electricity runs through it; >there is an "action at a distance" or a field-action >from the current unto the iron. The reverse also >happens: A magnetic field [the area in which small >metallic things are attracted by a magnet] through >which a cable is passed induces an electric current in >the cable (which must be in a circuit form). Later on, >powerful eletro-magnets were produced by winding a >long cable around an iron bar. A variety of "coils" or >"spools" were devised. On the other hand, recently the >Italian Space Agency developed the proper cable >circuit system to convert the Earth's electromagnetic >field into electricty -- first demonstrated from a >space-ship on the 500th anniversary of Columbus >landing in the new word. > >Now then, get an electric circuit with a switch and an >electro-magnet. Switching on and off means activating >and stopping the magnetism. If an attached metallic >plate is placed near the electromagnet, attraction >occurs as long as the switch is on. If a long strip of >paper is slowly rolled between the magnet and the >plate, and if a pencil or a pen is attached to the >magnet, the electric pulses result in longer and >shorter lines, dashers and dots, on the rolling paper. >(The idea of on/off circuits will yield other >inventions much later.) > >As a reciprocal communication system, the telegraph is >a two-way system, both the sender and the receiver >being equipped with a switch or key and an >electro-magnetic writer. Incidentally, just as Meucci >had experimented with wireless mechanical telephony -- >utilizing the electric currents of the earth, sea, or >atmosphere, others experimented with both wireless >mechanical telephony and wireless mechanical >telegraphy. In 1865, for example, the American Mahlon >Loomis demonstrated that atmospheric electricity could >be exploited for telegraphy: kites were raised 18 >miles away [and grounded, I suppose]; the on/off >switching in one place resulted in an electric >disturbance in the other kite-wire, evinced by a >galvanometer. Probably the Western Union Company was >not interested in Loomis because his demonstration was >made during a lightning storm. A telegraphy system has >to be reliable under normal conditions. > >The invention of wireless telegraphy by means of >man-produced electro-magnetic waves (rather than by >means of naturally occurring electric currents just >spoken of) presupposes other inventions I will mention >in a moment. The invention of wireless, electro-magnetic (or >"radio") telegraphy was made by Marconi. (I will explain the >myth to the contrary.) Of course, it is quite possible >that similar inventions or discoveries are made >independently in cultural areas which share the same >scientific backgrounds. As a matter of fact, what is >unexpected is rather this, for example, that although >many countries knew of Faraday's work, the telegraph >should have been invented in only one country >and by one person only. It is >the singularity of many inventions that I find >surprising. > >Marconi was born in a well-to-do family in 1874 of an >Italian father, Giuseppe, and an Irish mother, Anna >Jameson. In school he did not do so well with the >study of the classics; he was concerned primarily with >chemistry, electricity, and the like. One of his >objectives was to find new energy sources; as we might >say, like other typical italian inventors, he strove >to harnass or deploy energy. [For the harnassers of >energy, see "The Age of the Recontrivance."] > > From 1893, Marconi started keeping diaries of his >thoughts and researches, receipts of items he bought >for experiments, etc. He made his laboratory in the >attic of the villa where he lived. One of his projects >was the construction of a thermo-electric battery. >Meanwhile, professor Vincenzo Rosa was his tutor in >mathematics, physics, and electrology. A few of his >pages and documents are reproduced in "I diari di >laboratorio di Gugliemo Marconi" at > > >In 1894, a new world of science was opened to Marconi >through his contacts with and auditing of Professor >Righi, physics teacher in Bologna. At this point we >have to retrace our steps. > >Faraday's discovery of induction or effects at a >distance between a current and an iron-bar, or an >electro-magnet and a circuit, stirred innumerable >questions. The idea of "fields" or unperceptible waves >was is in the air. (Mechanical perceptible waves had >been known for a long tiime; unperceptible waves, such >as those of sound, had been inferred and studied. Now >the idea began to emerge that the induction field in >question constituted light-like waves. Etc....) The >Scottish Maxwell wrote the mathematics of undulating >fields and predicted that an electric oscillation >generates electromagnetic (light-like) waves. In 1879, >von Helmotz proposed a contest: the demonstration of >such waves which had been predicted. Contest aside, >Heinrich Hertz took up the challenge and eventually in >1893 published a book to tell of his researches >and findings: Electromagnetic waves, other than light, >can be generated. They are propagated from a source, >just as light is. What thereafter became known as >Hertzian waves, and light waves, and other waves, are >generically called electro-magnetic waves or >radiations. > >Since Hertzian waves are invisible either directly of >from reflections, how did he show they were generated? >How did he detect their presence? Galvanometers or >other electric meters or detectors will not do, since >electro-magnetic waves are not electricity running in wires. >Both the generator and the detector Hertz >invented results from the application of already >established ideas. (The invention consists in the >joining of such ideas, just as most inventions are. >Basically radical inventions, like Volta's battery or >Vincenzo Galilei's device to measure the tension of a >string are rare in history.) Hertz generator was a >theoretical generator, that is, a device which >theoretically generates e-m waves, whose reality has >to be substantiated by the detector. > >The generator has to be -- as per Maxwell proposal -- >something which involves an electric oscillation. Now, >if one takes an open electric circuit, will the >occurrence of magnetism in a nearby iron bar constitute >a demonstration that the induction is due to waves? >We knew that waves of different kinds produce >different effects. For example, Galileo Galilei had >discovered that sounds of different pitch, during his >scraping of a metallic plate, resulted in different >wave arrangements of the metallic filings. So, an e-m >detector would have to be something that responds >differently to different e-m wave generations. Well, >in the world of sound, we know of a very common >phenomenon: resonance. If a metallic fork is struck >(thereby producing a sound), a nearby idential fork >starts producing the same sound all by itself. If two >guitar strings are equally tuned, when you strike one, >the other starts to vibrate similarly and produces the >same sound. Resonance is an induction phenomenon. {By the way, I am reconstructing Herz's invention; I don't know if he kept a diary of his thinking.} >A flame (light and heat) does not induce a flame: if >you strike a match next to another, the second one >does not ignite automatically, nor does an electric >light induce another light. > >If the ends of a cut [open] circut are brought together, a >spark of light results. In addition to this, it was >known that that when the two wire ends are slightly >pulled apart, electricty jumps from one end to the other >and form a light-arch. (Arc lamps were constructed.) > Hertz constructed a simple apparatus which involved a >variable gap between the ends of a cut circuit. It is >called the spark-gap, since the electricity will be >made to jump across the gap. A similar open-end >circuit was produced nearby, with an identical gap. >When he sent electricity through the first gapped >circuit and a spark occurred, the spark was repeated >automatically in the other gapped circuit. Hence, the >second circuit was called a resonator. The two >circuits were in syntony -- equally tuned, so to >speak. Not the light in the first circuit, but some >waves of a certain kind (or length) >were responsible for the "resonance" in the resonator. >(Electro-magnetic waves must have induced an electric >current in the other circuit which, according to its >construction, replicated the light spark.) The >generator or emitter and the resonator (which allows you > to DETECT the received waves) are kept some distance apart, >but they are not duplications of Faraday's experiments, >since there is no criss-crossing of electic wires and >iron-bar or magnet. Waves generated by an electric >disturbance induce, though open space, an electric >flow which in turn, under the gap circumstance, yields >a spark. > >The Hertzian set of "generator (transmitter) and >resonator (detector; receiver)" can be called the Hertzian >"demonstration system." A physics teacher, professor >Righi, experimented with the Hertzian system and >improved the detector. For example in 1897, he >replaced the spark gap with divided quicksilver bands, >etc. Photographs of these earlier and of later pairs >that make up an Hertzian system are given at > > > >As I was saying, Marconi attended Righi's lectures at the university. >Marconi became infatuated with electromagnetic physics >and received instructions from Righi. Marconi, we >remember, is one who was on the lookout for energy >sources. And now he had found one. While operating an >Hertzian demonstration system, he must have done >exactly what Morse did when he operated an electric >circuit with a switch! He saw that by manipulating the >switch in different time lengths, longer and shorter >electromagnetic pulses were trasmitted, and Morse had >already provided an alphabet translation. Thus >wireless electro-magnetic telegraphy [radio telegraphy] >was born. What Morse did relatively to an electric >current, Marconi did relatively to an electro-magnetic >radiation. > >Hertz, Righi, and many others, who made improvements >and variations on the Hertz demonstartion system, were >intent upon studying induction phenomena. Thus the >resonator or DETECTOR is, in its own way, like the >detectors and meters used in the field of electricity. >Marconi understood electro-magnetic waves as energy or >forces which act upon something else, wherefore there >are effect recepients. His ongoing concern with >syntonization is, in other words, a concern for the >susceptibility to forces which certain objects have >(or are constructed to have). > >The invention of radio telegraphy = >Marconi's invention = the combination of 2 ideas = >Hertz' invention + Morse's invention. >Or: Marconi = Hertz + Morse. > >The relationship of Hertz and Harconi is analogous to >that of Columbus and Vespucci [whom I have discussed]. >Who discovered the New World? Columbus was intent upon >reaching the Far East by travelling west from Europe, >according to Toscanelli's earth model. He made the >first successful trip. Vespucci made a similar trip >and arrived, too, but, through his own observations, >he realized that the land reached by Columbus (and >himself) was not the Far East but a New World. So, >Vespucci unveiled a new world, but the expedition >which established the feasibility of the trip was made >by Columbus: the Columbus-like trip was the >discovering enterprise. Similarly, the Hertzian-like >system was the radio-telegraphic communicating enterprise. >As I see it, Columbus-Vespucci discovered the New >World; Hertz-Marconi invented radio telegraphy. > >When Marconi spoke of wireless telegraphy and of his >prospects to Righi, the Professor had nothing to >disagree with but practically discouraged Marconi from >pursuing his dream (of wireless telegraphy on a practical >city-wide or nation-wide scale), especially because the >effectiveness of the radio telegraphy was as big as a >room. > > > > >In his continued investigations, Marconi started using >a coherer for radio-reception. A coherer was a radio >wave DETECTOR which was designed in 1890 by Branly on >the basis of observations conducted by physicist >Temistocle Calzecchi-Onesti between 1884 and 1886: >metal filings in an insulating tube conduct an >electric current under the action of an >electro-magnetic wave. Branly attached two metallic >plates at the ends of the tube: the effect of a transmitted radio >wave produced an electric current. (Thus spark-gap >resonators became outmoded; the sparks were actually >useless for non-demonstrative purposes. It is the e-m >wave's induction of an electric current that matters.) >Marconi had to invent certain devises to make the >coherer practical. He made use of an antenna [to be affected by >transmitted waves], etc. So, >in 1895, Marconi had created an effective long distance wireless >telegraphy system. His first long-distance broadcast >(of the letter "S") was in September 1895, from the >laboratory in his villa to a hill opposite to the >house. > >The Italian Postal Ministry turned down >Marconi's wireless telegraph. His mother suggested >they go to England, when she had relatives. They went >in February 1896. On 2 June, 1896, Marconi registered >a provisional description of his invention at the London >patent Office (Patent 7777). Demonstrations were given >and wireless telegraphy became widely discussed. > >An investigator of electro-magnetism in London, Bose, >congratulated Marconi; he himself was not concerned >with telegraphy. (Much later one, Bose is one of the >many who is proclaimed to be the inventor of radio. >Today one might also say that a person who has an >electric circuit in his house has a telegraphic or >light-speller communication system, for an invention >which consists in an activity leads people to believe >that the equipment is the invention.) In an interview >in 1898, a German scientist, Adolph Slaby, said he >himself had been working on wireless telegraphy, but >when he heard of Marconi's success in 1897, he >realized Marconi must have added something new to what >was already known, for Marconi had been able to cover >distances of kilometers, and Slaby went to England >immediately. In Russia, Alexander Pavlov had been >working also with Hertzian waves and improved the >Branly coherer, but apparently he was a scientist in >the demonstration framework of Hertz and many others. >Similarly, from 1893 onward, Nikola Tesla had been >working in the demonstration framework of Hertzian >transmission and DETECTION. Others can be added to the >list of investigators in the wonderful world of waves. > >By 1897, Marconi established communication companies. >He continued >his research work, made trans-Atlantic transmissions, >etc. Of his other researches, I will mention only one, >which is directly in line with his conception of >radiations as forces: he developed a remote-control >devise whereby he illuminated a city by radio. > >Now, there is a court case which I must refer to. For >more details: "Misreading the Supreme Court: A >Puzzling Chapter in the History of Radio" > > >The US Supreme Court case in question is "Marconi >Wireless Telegraph Corporation of America vs. United >States, 320 US1 (1943)" > >The case was argued and a decision was made on June >21, 1943. What was this all about? A letter of the >times gives an idea. It was sent by inventor Lee de >Forest to radio historian George Clark in July 1943, >"You will be tickled as I am... to know that at long >last, the US Supreme Court has held... that John John >Stone, and not Marconi, was the first inventor of the >so-called 4-tuned circuit." As the article writer >states, "THE COURT DID NOT RULE ON WHO INVENTED THE >RADIO; Marconi's work [and London patent] were 'not in >question here'." .... "The Supreme Court never >determined that Tesla invented the radio." The Court >(non-unanimously) rejected Marconi's priority of a >certain tuning devise, the so-called 4-tuned circuit. > >In 1943 [long after Marconi's death], it had been the Marconi >Wireless Telegraph Company of America that initiated >lawsuits about certain patent infringements of 2 >patents by the US government. (The case was against >the government.) The case concerned mostly John John >Stone and, for some reason or other, the majority of >the Court voted in favor of the government rather >than the Marconi Company in question. There was no >issue about the priority of the invention of wireless >telegraphy. And that's that. However, some people who >misread the court case created >the myth that Marconi was not the inventor of radio. > >A short appendix. > >Luigi Soleri, a radio technical engineer, was an old >friend of Marconi. He invented or modified a radio >detection device and expanded it by the application of >battery-electricity and a telephone receiver, at the >beginning of the 20th century. Thus radio-telephony >was born. Undoubtedly others did the same, spurred by >the lucrative businesses of telephony, telegraphy, > and radio telegraphy. > >Radiophony (or radio, for short) generally refers to >long-distance one-way radio-telephony: it involves a >broadcasting station and receiving radio sets. (Some of >the early sets, consisted of antenna and grounding, >a crystal coherer, and head-phones.) Some voice or >disc-recorded music was broadcast. Forest, an avid >opera fan, formed his own Radio >Telephone Company and started broadcasting recorded >operas in 1910. (Edison had invented phonography in >1877.) The broadcast of operas sung by Caruso earned >the Radio Telephone Company millions of dollars. In my >recorded music collection I have samples of original >Caruso records. In 1902 and thereabouts, the recording >was only on one side of the discs; later on, both >sides had the grooves. As for quality, the sound is better >on those old records than on the compact discs with >recent recordings, except for the fact that surface >noise has disappeared.

(# 8) ANTONIO MEUCCI (Florence, 1808-1889)

An emigrant from Italy, Meucci is a many-sided inventor, whose very bread-winning occupation depended on his invention of smokeless candles. He emigrated to Cuba and then to the United States. For a few years, he hosted Garibaldi, "the hero of the two worlds" who fought for the independence of Italy and rescued half of Italy (from Spanish rule). His house is in Staten Island, New York, and houses the "Meucci-Garibaldi Museum." The following is by no means a biography of the inventor; I will emphasize one invention which for a long time used to be attributed to another man. One of many sources: "Hearing Through Wires..." from Gerry Vassilatos' Rediscover the Legendary names of a Suppressed Scientific Revolution:

In Florence, Meucci studied mechanical engineering and worked as a stage technician until 1835, when he accepted the job of scenic designer and technician for Cuba. In Havana, Cuba, Meucci started with the development of a new method for electroplating metals. He designed stage control systems for the Havana Opera House. He was fascinated with the relationship of electricity and body physiological conditions. (Originally this was Galvani's field of study which led Volta to the invention of the battery.) More specifically, Meucci's field is that of "electromedicine." His experimental laboratory was in the back of the Opera House. He investigated the pain-alleviating abilities of very weak electrical impulses. (In the early part of the 20th century, independent discoveries like Meucci's were made by Tesla, Abrams, Lahkovsky, and Colson.)

In 1849, a gentleman suffering from migraine headaches went to Meucci for treatment. "Meucci placed a small copper electrode in the patient's mouth and asked him to hold the other (a copper rod) in his hand. The electro-impulse device was in the adjoining room. Meucci went into this room, placed an identical copper electrode in his own mouth, and held the other copper electrode to find the waekest possible impulse strength..... Meucci's insignificant (though stimulating) current impulses were felt. The patient, anticipating some horrible shock, cried out in the other room with surprise at the very first slight tickle." Something astounding happened: Meucci "felt" the sound of the man's voice in his own mouth. He asked the man to speak again, and the same phenomenon was repeated. Later on, experiments were made with closed doors to eliminate acoustic hearing, and sounds were transmitted, bypassing the ears. (Later, this was called the "electrophonic effect." We know today that the neural system of the body employs "impulses of infinitesimal strength." From the ear, it is electric impulses that go to the brain. Now, the implulses had been made directly on nerves. [Comment: As I indicated elsewhere, the ear and the eye diffract light and sound, separating their component waves of different frequencies. Those organs have parts which react to specific frequencies. Nerves do not have diffractors; so, sound may be felt, but pitches, like those of speech, are not distinguished. Today an artificial electronic ear can be created and attached to the nerves; it must be a diffractor to begin with.] What Meucci invented/discovered here was not the telephone; it was an essential step to the invention of the acoustic [ear-related] telephone. A distinction must be made between this method of sound "transmission" [called physiophony or neurophony] and his teletrophony [nowadays simply called telephony], namely acoustic differentiated-sound transmission.

Meucci proceeded to construct the teletrofono (teletrophone), the acoustical differentiated sound-transmission system, which later was simply called telephone. Having to do with hearing though the ear, what had to be invented was a mechanical "speaker" or, in terms of a speaking human, a "microphone." The idea that sound can be "transmitted" through wires or by means of an electric current had already been discovered and established. (Many in both Italy and the US refused to listen to Meucci who, for them had the preposterous idea that sound could be trasmitted through wires. They did not understand that the spoken voice itself does NOT travel though a wire. Today we speak of "transduction" or "translation" of a modulated energy into another form of energy, not of literal transmission.)

Meucci coiled thin and flexible copper wire so that it could freely vibrate in a heavy paper cone. This was the first in a series of speaker/microphones or trasmitter-receivers. (The voice vibrates; an electric current has to be vibrated, modulated; at the other end, a modulated electric current will cause a vibration in the paper cone, which is heard as sound, as the original speaking voice.) "This time, his oral electrode would be enclosed in a heavy paper cone." Voice was trasmitted = the telephone was invented. Meucci wrote all his findings in 1849 in Havana (when Alexander G. Bell was 2 years old).

Meucci left Cuba in 1850 and settled in the Clifton village in Staten Island, N.Y. He continued perfecting the teletrophone, used the system in his house (between the upstairs bedroom with his infirm wif and his cadles-shop. He used it also in his neighborhood. In 1860 he organized a demonstration in order to attract financial backing. Meanwhile we should note that for electric power, Meucci invented the "earth battery," not a box filled with soil, but the Earth in which he inserted electrodes of copper and zinc, thus exploiting what today we know to be Earth electric currents. He also exploread sea-batteries and atmospheric batteries -- to exploit ocean electricity and air electricity. All this implied the possibility long-distance wireless telephony [not radio-telephony] since the earth, the ocean, and the athmosphere are already equipped with electric currents. On a small scale, he successfully tested wireless ocean telephony. [Morse's telegraph required only one wire for the transmission of signals -- the on/off switching for different durations, of an electric current; the sender and the receiver had their other electrode locally in the ground.]

In 1860 he published about his invention in a newspaper and aimed at getting a patent. The cost of $ 250 at that time was beyond his means. He was nearly killed in an explosition on the ferry and remained infirm. In 1871 he obtained a Caveat for $ 10. (It is a deposited legal claim about the invention; he renewed it later on.) Under dire conditions, his wife sold the telephonic instruments he had made [membrane transmitter/receiver, like the ones which later became commoplace; etc.] When he tried to buy them back, he learned they had been re-sold. In 1874, Meucci went on to promote his invention and met with a vice-president of the Western Union District Telegraph Company, Mr. Grant. He described the invention, was promised assistance, and he left models with Mr. Grant. But Meucci was never contacted; Mr. Grant was nowhere to be found. When he requested the models back, they told him the models had been lost.

Actually, the path of Meucci's models has been traced by invetsigators: they kept on appearing and disappearing in connection with certain individuals at Western Union, who apparently could not figure out what the models were for or what those cups (the recievers) could do. In 1876, Alexander Braham Bell filed a patent. His father-in-law had induced him to join Western Union, where Meucci's models and notes were secretely preserved. I have learned from researchers on Black scientists, that a Black man was hired by Western Union to draw the diagrams which Bell would submit with the application for the patent of the telephone. (I do not know if Bell ever invented anything, but not even he himself drew the telephone diagrams -- which are easy to draw for anyone. I have seen copies of Meucci's diagrams and of Bell's assistantant's diagrams: they are practically identical. Western Union created the Bell Telephone Company for Bell, but Bell himself was removed three years later. The additional inventions which made a telephone network possible were made by people other than Bell. As Meucci said, his invention was stolen, and I think that Bell was the front-man for Western Union. Independent discoveries do occur, but the present circumstances, Western Union's possession of Meucci's work clearly indicate that no Western Union employee invented the telephone.)

The myth was created that Bell invented the telephone. Researchers have killed the myth. The US Congress resolution 269 on September 25, 2001, proclaimed Antonio Meucci as the inventor of the telephone. Still, nearly everybody in the world repeats the myth of Bell's invention.

(# 9). ANTONIO PACINOTTI (Pisa, 1841-1912)

Some references:

Pacinotti invented the ring-armature electric motor. His article "in Nuovo Cimento of May 3, 1865, announced that in 1863 he produced a dynamo [electricity generating motor] with a ring wound armature that could produce electricity and also run [in reverse fashion] as a motor." More precisely, his "electro-magnetic little machine" (as he called it) was a ring structured (direct-electricity) heavy duty motor; in 1873, it was discovered that the same machine generates electricity when the motor is fed by any force (water fall or other). In other words, you can use the electricity fed motor to do mechanical work, or you may start with mechanical work to feed the motor and thereby generate electricity.

Meanwhile, a dynamo was patented in 1866 by the German W. von Siemens -- which gave Germany the edge on heavy-duty electricity generators. The Pacinotti "ring" motor was the dynamo patented and commercialized by the Belgian Z. T. Gramme in 1871.

Nikola Tesla (Born in Serbia in 1856) attended a Polytechic school in Austria. The school had recently acquired a Gramme dynamo in Paris. When the professor gave a demonstration and had certain difficulties, Tesla suggested an altenate procedure to run a dynamo. (Having a figurative imagination about the workings of the dynamo, he could ideate modifications or improvements.) Tesla came to America in 1882. Http://

The electricity transformer had been invented by Pacinotti in 1860. In his "earlier work (1860) he announced the production of high voltage and high frequency using a transformer, arc, capacitor and coil. This was the forerunner of the Tesla coil of 1891." As Tesla was operating in the US, in the US the invention became known as the "Tesla Coil."

Pacinotti is a great original inventor in the field of electricity whom I have hardly described.

(# 10). GALILEO FERRARIS (Livorno Vercellese, 1847-1897).

An article by Paolo Ferraris at the Polytechnic institute of Torino gives the historical background of Galileo Ferraris' invention of the indirect currect rotarry motor in 1885:

I translate in part:

" ... Francois Arago discovered in 1824 that a magnetic needle hanging above a copper disc was set in [rotating] motion by the rotation of the disc. The following year Charles Babbage and John Herschel showed the reverse effect: the setting of the rotation of a copper disc by means of the rotation of a horseshoe magnet [much stronger than a magnetic needle]. " The given explanation [for these actions at a distance] was based on the phenomenon of 'attraction between magnetic poles' and consisted in the hypothesis of the appearence of temporary magnetic polarities in the copper disc and the subsequent attraction between the polarities [the disc to needle or horseshoe aligned opposite polarities]. "It was, however, Michael Faraday that performed experiments which led him to give the correct explanation of the Arago phenomenon [by means of his notion of "inducted currents"]........ "Basically it took about a half a century for moving ahead: The English Walter Baily and the French Michael Deprez ran on parallel and independent roads. In 1879 Baily exhibited an apparatus with four electro-magnets arranged along a circle... [in effect] replicating in a different manner Arago's experiment. Desprez, who in 1882 produced a system of energy transmission, took a step ahed, potentially important, by showing (1883) that a variable position field could be realized with two currents which vary in value and [charge] sign (namely, alternate currents)...... "Meanwhile, a fundamental push ahead was made by the work done [by various people] around around the transformers of Goulard and Gibbs, the theoretical contribution to it by Galileo Ferraris, the industrial activity of the Hungherian Ganz, the English Ferranti, and [the American] Westinghouse... Among many names of those who explored the avenues toward the new motor, certainly the most conspicuous ones are those of Galileo Ferraris and Nikola Tesla. "Ferraris [in Italy] realized in 1885 the first induction motor.... In 1888, after having realized three other progressively evolved prototypes, he published a famous article, where he states his first and preliminary theoretical justification of the induction motor... [he deliberately did not apply for a patent. Tesla [in America], on the contrary, though having misunderstood the physics principle, was a priori [dogmatically] convinced of the utility of the system as a practical motor and applied for a patent in 1887.... "Ferraris and Tesla had, in their work, the presence of the Arago experiments. However, Ferraris was clearly aware of the role of inducted currents as the fundamental basis of how the motoe works; Tesla, as it is evident in the text he deposited with the application of a patent in 1888, thought, like Babbage and Herschel, of the phenomenon of polarities.... "The Tesla patent was acquired by Westinghouse in 1888... meanwhile in Europe... the writings and the contacts of Ferraris with German scientist-engineers were important:... In 1888, Dobrowlsky revisited the Ferraris theory and, in contact with him, developed an important motor, which he patented in 1889. (On this occasion, German courts unambiguously attributed the priority of the invention to Galileo Ferraris.)"

At the International Congress of Electricians [electricity scientist-engineers] in Chicago in 1894, Edison proclaimed Galileo Ferraris "the greatest of living electricians." Other references:

Even though the European Ferraris and the American Tesla worked independently (at least as far as Ferraris is concerned) and never had any legal/commercial confrontation, Tesla invented the myth in his 1915 memoirs of his being the sole inventor of the induction motor, for he says, "Both Ferraris and Schallenbergher discovered the rotation accidentally... Neither of them produced a rotating field motor like mine, nor were their theories the same as my own." He refers to Ferraris' "pamphlet" of 1888; so -- since he speaks of his prodigious memory -- he must not have known all the scientific articles Ferraris had been publishing and obviously he lacked the scientific culture which includes the Arago-Faraday theoretical thinking.