The Secret Life of the American Teenager (most recent edit: August 14 2024)

  • Recently there have been many smaller edits relating to linking, headings, and more.
  • Some edits call for more specific organization
  • There are several regarding misinformation about the show
  • SidP did a lot of re-formatting and re-working of the bibliography
  • Many people are still adding content to the page.
  • The only really consistent editors are from the earlier days of the page. Even then, they weren’t that consistent. The most notable being ChaosMaster16 (esepcially in the early days of the page). There was also LiquidLuck. Those two were the most common around 2009-2011 when the show was still airing. Karina101. The person who made the page was Dayspassions91.
  • Many sections were moved around or removed.
    • The most noticeable being the list of cast and characters. They used to have descriptions, but those were removed in favor of a list.
    • The Setting section was also removed. I think that makes sense.
    • The episodes section was reorganized.

Star Wars Galaxies

(most recent edit: August 31, 2024)

  • This seems to be a passion project for several people interested in the game. There are still content-related edits still make today.
  • Majority of the most recent edits are grammar and bibliography based, as if it has been stuck for a while.
  • There were attempts to reorganize the article, but it has so much content it is impossible.
  • The article is so long, it seems people struggled to organize it properly. It used to be longer, with more sections, but has since been edited.
  • Overall, it seems that a lot of information has been added and removed resulting in a wide range of sections included.
  • Metuseth is a more recent significant editor.
  • The person who made is is Quoth-22