Bahrain IT Team (BITT) is a group of IT enthusiasts comprised mainly of youths in the Information Technology sector that are eager to expand their knowledge in this field and improve the overall awareness of the community with this ever fast-improving field while effectively contributing in the development of everyday use of Information Technology. The Team is currently establishing itself under the supervision of the Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) as one of its Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

Team Vision


To become a respected and well-recognized IT organization, leading its members and community to the frontiers of the IT world.

Team Mission


Building a cooperative society of IT enthusiasts that will persistently provide the required knowledge, resources and support needed to master and conquer various skills in an ever growing IT field.

Team Main Objectives

  1. To provide a cooperative and friendly environment for all members of the Team in order for them to maintain and develop their skills in various IT fields.
  2. Promoting researches and studies, by members or non-members, in any field of IT relevance.
  3. Enlighten the Bahraini community about the emergence of any new technology and about the fast growth of IT fields worldwide.
  4. Provide guidance for IT graduates to available IT jobs according to their field of interest.
  5. Create a liaison between the industry, and its IT needs, and the educational organizations in Bahrain.

Team Activities


In order for the Team to fulfill its declared goals and objectives, it will be – according to the various interests of its members – carrying out different activities that can be generally categorized as follows:

  1. Sub-Groups of Special Interest
    Members of common interest in a particular IT-related field have opted to form small groups in order to expand their knowledge in that area and benefit other Team members in the future. These Sub-Groups shall meet regularly to keep their members updated and to try expanding their scope of knowledge in that particular field.
  2. Projects
    Other members have undertaken relatively small-scaled projects to develop with the cooperation of other knowledgeable Team members.
  3. Presentations,Seminars and Workshops
    Members with relatively wide knowledge in certain IT fields will be carrying out some seminars and workshops to share their expertise in those fields with other Team members.

Team Structure


Because of the Team’s fellowship with BIS, it has not required a large-scaled board to oversee its activities. Therefore, a Board of Directors has been formed comprising of 5 Directors:

  • President
  • Vice President Operations & Events
  • Vice President Internal Affairs
  • Vice President Information & Communication
  • Vice President Strategic Planning & Review

The Board will be holding regular meetings to discuss issues of relevance to the Team activities, organize any events and supervise the Team as a whole. Four Standing Committees are formed by the Team, each headed by a VP of the previously mentioned board. All committees shall include at least 3 other Team members and shall be responsible to maintain and perform the duties it has been assigned to in the Team’s By-Laws.


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