
- Add a section under CRITICISM talking about recent declines in enrollment numbers, include effect of pandemic.

- Use articles by Barnum, Brinig, MacGregor.

Decline in Enrollment (North America)[edit]


A noticeable decline in enrollment has stemmed from economic downturn from world events such as COVD-19. Since the pandemic's origin in 2020, the Catholic School system faced a 6.4% decrease in enrollment as well as the closures or mergers of over 200 schools across the nation. Negative economic fluctuation is noted as a major reason for these declining numbers, as families have struggled to balance finances with uncertainty in employment statuses.

Answer question under talk page:

In 2023-2024, New Jersey currently has 251 private Catholic Schools which serves over 74,000 students.

A list of all 251, as well as the Top 20 ranked schools, can be found on privateschoolreview.com and niche.com. In short, the top ranked private Catholic School for the 2023-2024 school year is the Delbarton School in Morristown, NJ.

Diocese of cairns. "Religious Dimension". Archived from the original on 10 October 2010. Retrieved 28 September 2010.

Cattaro, Gerald M.; Cooper, Bruce S. (2007), "Developments in Catholic schools in the USA: Politics, policy & prophecy", International Handbook of Catholic Education Challenges for School Systems in the 21st Century,

"National education system: Belgium - Flemish Community". eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu. Retrieved 2023-03-16.

Grace, Gerald; O'Keefe, Joseph (2007), "Catholic schools facing the Challenges of the 21st century: An overview", International Handbook of Catholic Education Challenges for School Systems in the 21st Century

Gottfried, Michael; Kirksey, Jacob (2018). "Self-Discipline and Catholic Schools: Evidence from Two National Cohorts". Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

Brinig, M. F., Garnett, N. S., Garnett, N. S., Brinig, M. F., & Garnett, N. S. (2014). Lost Classroom, Lost Community : Catholic Schools’ Importance in Urban America. University of Chicago Press,. https://doi.org/10.7208/9780226122144


Kleindienst, P. (2022). The role of Catholic schools in promoting human dignity. British Journal of Religious Education, 44(3), 348–360. https://doi-org.ezproxy.rowan.edu/10.1080/01416200.2021.1918059

Barnum, M. (2023, November 9). Catholic schools have lost students during the pandemic. Chalkbeat https://www.chalkbeat.org/2022/6/23/23180432/catholic-school-enrollment-pandemic

Miserandino, A. (2019). The funding and future of Catholic education in the United States. British Journal of Religious Education, 41(1), 105–114. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200.2017.1352484

Goodman MA, Dyer WJ. How Does Religious Faith Impact Positive Youth Outcomes? Religions. 2023; 14(7):881. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14070881

Hunt, T. C., Joseph, E. A., & Nuzzi, R. J. (2001). Handbook of Research on Catholic Education. Greenwood Press.

Cordileone, A. S. (2024). The Three Pillars of Catholic Education. Nova et Vetera (English Edition), 22(1), 7–20.c https://doi-org.ezproxy.rowan.edu/10.1353/nov.2024.a919263

Scott, I. L. (2023, August 27). Faith in Public Schools: A Third Way. ALI Social Impact Review. https://www.sir.advancedleadership.harvard.edu/articles/faith-in-public-schools-a-third-way

Gaylor, A. L. (2014, January 7). The dangers of religious instruction in public schools. Religion & Politics. https://religionandpolitics.org/2014/01/07/the-dangers-of-religious-instruction-in-public-schools/

MacGregor, C. A. (2012). School's out forever: The decline of catholic education in the united states (Order No. 3545840). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1240668486). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.rowan.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fdissertations-theses%2Fschools-out-forever-decline-catholic-education%2Fdocview%2F1240668486%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D13605

Witte JF. Private school versus public school achievement: Are there findings that should affect the educational choice debate? Economics of Education Review. 1992;11(4):371-394. doi:10.1016/0272-7757(92)90043-3