
Micah Alexie


Micah Robert Alexie was born November 5th, 1992. He is a Mexican-Native American professional football player for the Chicago Bears.

Alexie played running back for Arizona State University from 2011-2015. He was the 8th overall pick in the 2015 draft. He is said to be one of the best to ever come from ASU and was a star in college setting school records, winning the Heisman trophy, and the Rose Bowl.

Micah AlexieBorn Micah Robert Alexie November 5th, 1992 (age 22) Spokane Indian Reservation, Tuscon, Arizona, United States Occupation Professional football player Years active 2015- present Spouse(s) N/A Children 2 Family Spokane

Early Life 1992-1988


Born on a Spokane Native American Reservation in Tuscon, Arizona on November 5th, 1992. Micah was born with hydrocephalus, a rare and often fatal or crippling disease, which is when your skull is flooded with cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). Due to some miracle, Micah survived without any devastating effects. Though he still would get migraines often and was very prone to seizures until he was 7. These effects of Hydrocephalus caused him to have to take strong drugs to suppress the chances of him getting seizures because the seizures were damaging his already fragile brain. Micah's head was also very large and unproportional to his body much of his childhood because of hydrocephalus. He couldn't even sit up or walk right until he was 4 because of his over-sized cranium. Micah's mom was a beautiful Mexican who had this face that never seemed to grow old. She was very sweet and Micah was the one thing in this world that she loved the most. Micah's father was a stern looking Native American with thick eyebrows. He was a stud when he was younger (a star running back at University of Arizona, and a complete ladies man) and was a caring, outgoing person. This was all until he was diagnosed with stage 3 Leukemia at age 23. He went through 3 years of advanced treatment but he lost his physicality. He let himself go and became depressed, and soon, an alcoholic. One night, Micah's father was in a terrible rage. All Micah said he remembers was his dad hitting his mom and she went flying head first into the counter. She died almost instantly from brain hemorrhaging. Micah's dad ran away and disappeared after that night. Micah was only 6.

Childhood 1998-2006


Micah was now an orphan but was adopted by s lonely couple on the reservation when he was 7. he had late start in school because of the poor education at the foster home. but the public elementary school, Wellpint Academy, was not much better. But even with all that he quickly caught up to the other students and then surpassed them. His intelligence began to really show, but he was bullied because of his appearance. He was bullied for having such a big head and big feet. He was made fun of for having an under bite and 42 teeth (mainly due to his hydrocephalus). He constantly went home crying and sometimes beat up for a lot of his childhood. His foster parents didn't really do much about about his issues except fix his teeth. When he was in middle school he started playing football as a release for his anger and stress. He started getting bigger and stronger after that and his bullying finally stopped when he was about 12. But, he developed a bad temper and would get in fights with his foster parents. When he was 14 he punched his foster in the jaw and knocked him out. He grabbed all his stuff, shoved his foster mom out of his way and ran away. He was soon on the run from the police while he was hitchhiking his way to Phoenix.

High school/College 2006-2015


Micah was eventually caught by an officer named David in Phoenix. he was found on the side of some dirty alley, drinking with some Native hobos. When Micah saw the officer he burst into tears knowing that he could no longer just run away from his problems. When Officer David had read Micah's story on his files he felt so bad that when he was in court he begged the judge to let Micah go so he could adopt him. the judge knew David was incapable of having kids after his vasectomy so he agreed to the officer's terms and let Micah off easy. It seems strange that he was adopted by the same man who was going to arrest him and put him away in juvenile detention, but Micah and David got along surprisingly well. They had an excellent relationship and Micah's life was turning around. He started attending Sandra Day O'Connor High School and that's when his true character started to show. he was described as this kid that was always laughing & smiling, messing with people, and just having fun in life. He made friends very easily and was no longer ever bullied again. He was a very bright student but his grades didn't reflect that because he couldn't stay focused and he messed around too much in class. Micah loved talking to people and was said to be one of the biggest flirts. He mainly liked to talked about four things: Girls, Football, Weights, and Music. His life had really taken a turn for the better; except for the acne developing on his face. He quickly became embarrassed by his appearance so he took up more weightlifting to make up for his facial flaws; Micah had once said ,"the only attractive thing about me is my Native hair". He had this long dark hair that was so beautiful and wavy (he cut it off after he was drafted so nobody the NFL could pull on it). He tried out for football freshman year and was having fun with it until he crashed a bike at his friend's, Christian Holeman, house. He crashed a mountain bike going over 30 mph. he would've died if he hadn't hit his knee on this metal railing because he was going headfirst for a wall. He fractured his knee though and was 1/8 inch from shattering his growth plate. the doctors recommended not playing football and he listened. In junior year, Micah's GPA skyrocketed and got even better in senior year. he started playing football again senior year and quickly became a star running back. He got a full ride scholarship for his skills and his grades. He soon was a stud at ASU too and became easily one of the best running backs to ever attend ASU. He has just recently graduated with his doctorates and was drafted in the first round of the 2015 NFL draft by the Chicago Bears.



He is an archetypal warrior. He fought through a lot struggles in his life and never backed down. He was bullied at school but he continued to go and become one of the brightest kids there. He lost both of his parents when he was 6 and ran away from his foster parents at 14 and he was still successful. He is a paradigm of someone who just gets getting up and facing the challenges in life even when they get knocked flat on their ass.