Evlogo is a website which is made with the idea to collect sites from different states in one place. The full name of the site's

everything is logo. 

A small image representing each site - logo. Site was created july 2011. Website works like this : Each state has its own table and tables are the same for each country. Each table has 1000 cubes and one rectangle. The size of cubes 55pixels x 55pixels, rectangle is the size 55pixels x 779pixels. The cubes are marked the following way A1, А2, А3 etc. The rectangle is AA. Any cube should contain one logo. As and a rectangle AA . Of course, a logo can be placed in multiple cubes, it is by the user. On the site evlogo, there are 140 countries in the world and one international page. The users are the owners of sites that will post their logos on the table of their countries and the international page.For $65 per cube, users get a place on the site of his logo, a URL to which the images were linked, and a slogan to be displayed when hovering the cursor over the link. Evlogo site will be active for at least the next 5 years, and more.

    Visit the site evlogo and see for yourself what it is.
    The site is new and I hope it will accomplish its purpose.