Qi Mao (1982-),scholar in philosophy and physics, also has interests in economics and history and other subjects.

Life and Main Works


October 2009

A nation wide newspaper in China, Jiefang Daily, reported Qi Mao's book The Essence and Goals of Economy with title “The Invisible Hand and the Essence of Economy” on 28th October, 2009. The comment deeply criticized Mao's book and cited from the book that the latest economic crisis was because the financial sector in USA went against the principles of " invisible hand". The comment also cited the definition of the " invisible hand" in that book. 

May 2009

Qi Mao wrote paper on theology: Science and Religion. 

Late 2008

A published book The Essence and Goals of Economy. 

The book discussed what the “Invisible Hand” is and gave a definition of it. It discussed the problem of value and price and gave a solution to the problem, which bases on an advanced philosophy. After that, the book discussed an amendment to classical dichotomy which leaded to a new definition of inflation, two new conceptions which are labor deepening and labor widening and a new optimal monetary. The book also discussed the contribution between capital, landrent, interest and income from labor in the 4th chapter, which leaded to a new institution of capitalism. The new institution of capitalism showed a more efficient and equal form of capitalism, which may enlight western countries go into a new period.

Early 2008

A published book The Margin and Coordinate of history. 

In this book, the author gave a new concept of history: history is not written by those who win; history is written in what we believe, like Jesus’ belief, spirit of laws, liberty and democracy. Based on that, the book afresh divided history into 5 periods. The book also afresh gave the definitions of economy, politics, state, war, science, law, art, religion, civilization, peoples and city.

Late 2004

paper: Principles of Natural Philosophy.  

In this paper, Qi Mao discussed and firstly gave a definition of mass, discussed space and time and gave new definitions of them. The paper also gave a unification of interactions between matters.


paper: Right 

This paper gave a new definition of right, the history of rights, and argued the rights' future


paper: Law 

This paper discussed the nature of laws, a new definition of law, history of laws and the future of laws.
