User:Alberto Boarini/sandbox/Psichodramma transgenerational

Different, but complement the familiar constellation of Bert Hellinger using representatives, use active imagination and psychodrama to work time and space within the morphogenetic field, as the scientist Rupert Sheldrake.

The Family Universe you can identify what's echoing of their ancestors and have the opportunity to throw light on the familiar pain that resonate in many ways in their offspring, and then the concept of Co-Unconscious JL Moreno is one of the keys to we today call transgenerational transmission.

This transmission also relates as "unfinished business" with traumas and secrets with life events that tend to be repeated, following the principle of Zeigernick effect, being perpetuated generation after generation, until its meaning is clarified.

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Alberto Boarini - Psychodramatist and Transpersonal Therapist

Formed in DMF (Deep Memory Process) Roger Woolger. Ph. D . - (2002-2006) The Practice of regression, the Travel Past Lives and the transition between worlds (Bards); - Body Cure Energy, trauma cure Abuse and Dissociation patterns; - How to Find and heal the Shadow; - it was assistant's own Dr. Roger Woolger in their workshops in Brazil (2006-2011);

- Former instructor and supervisor for students in training in DMP in Brazil, serves in office since 2006.

ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATIONS - (2000-2002) therapist in Consciousness expansion techniques where the Institute Tadashi Kadomoto experienced and trained various techniques such as Holotropic, Gestalt, perinatal matrices, Shamanism, among others;

- (2005) degree in Neuro Linguistic the Brazilian Society of Neolinguística;

- (2008-2010) Diploma in Psychodrama by the Brazilian Association of Psychodrama and Sociodrama; - (2012-2015) Certified by Opus - Psychology and Education in animates modules / Animus; Persona / Shadow, Greek Mythology, Dreams, Alchemical Studies; (Sao Paulo);  - (2015) Systemic Coaching at LIGHT Institute (São Paulo);  - (2015)  Color for Life with Mark Wentworth (England);  - (2015)  Personal Mastery Coaching  with Hans Tendan  (Netherlands), by Tasso International; - (2016) Souldrama with Connie Miller (USA) in Portugal.

PRESENTED  - 17th Brazilian Congress of Psychodrama (2010) The " DMP and body" and "The Goddesses in Greek scene ";

- 1st Brazilian Congress DMP (2011),   the "Psychodrama and the DMP";

- Coordinated the International Seminar "Jung: scientist, mystic or prophet" with Roger Woolger in (2011);

- 18th Brazilian Congress of Psychodrama (2012); " The power of transgenerational action ";

- 8th Latin American Congress of Psychodrama in Argentina   " The Greek goddesses on Stage " (2013);

 -3rd HR Moraes Congress (2013) in R. Black " It seems a myth: all speaking the same language in the company ";

- 2nd International Conference Transgenerational in Sao Paulo (2013); workshop "Voices of the Ancestors ."

- 19th Brazilian Congress of Psychodrama (2014),  " The body as protagonist experiencer ";

- 11th Brazilian Congress of Family Therapy (2014), "Voices of the Ancestors";

- held seminar in Santiago in Chile "Introduction to Method Regression Therapy Deep (DMP) (2015);

- held seminar in UNIPAZ-SP "method Introduction to Regression Therapy Deep (DMP ) (2015);

- held a workshop  "Psychodrama Internal Transgenerational " the 1st Class of formation of the European School Transgenerational (Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger) in Turin, Italy. (2015);

- conducted workshop Psychodrama Internal Transgenerational in Pamplona, ​​Spain (2016); - conducted workshop Psychodrama Internal Transgenerational in Lisbon, Portugal (2016).

