Empalda is a free social recruiting platform which allows broadcasting jobs across different social networks. The service represents universal embedded dashboard for Facebook page, Linkedin and website.



Emplada was launched in 2012 by MBTE Sweden AB, Switzerland and positioned as a time and effort saving tool for recruiters helping to quickly spread job ads on social media platforms and reach qualified professionals, promote company’s brand and attract more fans. The development was carried out in Israel and the CIS. The service is free and it’s already used by a number of companies in the U.S., Switzerland, England, USA, Russia, etc. Initially the service was available in English and Russian, in 2013 French, Spanish, Portuguese and German were added. The Italian version is upcoming. In February 2013 Emplada has been added on wix.com that allows importing all the features to newly created users' sites. Special widget allows the user to post jobs quickly and easily in a separate page and / or link it to Facebook account. Currently Emplada reaches the audience of more than 4,000 companies around the world.


Features [1]

Emplada is installed by either pasting an embeddable code into any website or connecting via Facebook. All job posts are managed on different social media websites through a single click of a mouse. Emplada spreads job posts on Facebook, linkedin, Twitted, website and blog and allows editing, adding or deleting posts with a single mouse click across all there platforms. The candidate can apply directly by using his social account created automatically from his Facebook and Linkedin accounts once as he allows Emplada access to his page. Job seeker profile indicates Name and Photo, Summary, Contacts, Skills & Expertise, Experience, Education, Recommendations. Emplada allows leaving comments on the job offers and viewing the comments left by others, asking questions or recommending the job.


  1. ^ Google, additional text.

1. Anny Krivorotova. Поиск работы через Facebook: трата времени или уже норма? Cossa. January 4, 2013 2. Features. Empalda. 3. Hrazvedka. Emplada для КР и КР . March 11, 2013 4. KRISTEN WISHON. KICKSTART YOUR SOCIAL RECRUITING WITH EMPLADA. Comerecommended. DECEMBER 6, 2012 5. Maxim Ivanov. Карьерные вкладки к страницам компаний в Facebook. February 2, 2013