User:Akbugday/Climate change in algeria/Garlic78 Peer Review

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Climate change in Algeria

User:Akbugday/Climate change in algeria



The lead is great! It has a good amount of information without being too detailed.



Greenhouse gas emissions


WIki link more please

Under Mitigation: "In 2015, Algeria presented its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), intending to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 7 to 22% by 2030 through  energy transition and economic diversification." Add percentage after 7.

Also anytime you write out percent, change to %.

Impacts on Natural Environment


You have a lot of content on how climate change effects the natural ecosystem but not a lot about how those in turn affect people.

In the agricultural section, you reference Algiers quite a lot, which is an urban city to my knowledge, which doesn't have much agriculture. Either in this section or in a section discussing impacts on people, you should include that Algeria is dependent on food imports leading to food insecurity.

Under water resources in the same section, please provide information on "dam" mentioned and any other dams in Algeria.

The first sentence under Ecosystems "The decline in precipitation levels, coupled with rising temperatures and increased evaporation rates, has contributed to the desiccation of two significant wetlands, Fetzara and Halloula Lake." Please elaborate of desiccation cause I at first thought you meant to write "desecration" or link it to wiki article.

Still in Ecosystems: "Birds and reptiles are found here, and over desertification of these areas can create dead zones, in which people and animals are not able to thrive in." Change to survive, not thrive. "The Sahara itself is quite barren, but home to more mammals and fewer plant species." remove but , change comparative terminology and/or use numbers to support this claim. "South Saharan steppe and xeric woodlands have rainy summer months as opposed to the North Sahara. Many grasses and herbs grow in this region, and summer rain helps sustain these species." Explain what xeric is and/or link to wiki article. Rephrase sentences, possibly join together.

Temperature and Weather changes


"An examination of climate data from 1931 to 1990 in northern Algeria suggests an anticipated temperature increase of 2º C by the year 2050. The initial impacts include a decrease in water resources, declining agricultural yields, and Increased desertification." Add more information here and current data.

"More recently, in July, terrible heat waves have exacerbated the effects of fires, and this forest fire in particular had crossed the border between Algeria and Tunisia. This caused power outages and home displacement to Algerians, and overall decimated forests." Please give a date instead of "more recently": no one will know what year you're talking about in the future.

Tone and Balance


God tone and balance, but there is a lack of discussion on the impact on people, which I imagine could be a whole section that you should add. The article could use less studies and more UN or international organization data plus more recent data.

Sources and References


One big thing I noticed while reading your article is that there is a lack of referencing in the Impacts on the Natural Environment Section. It would be a good idea to get more diverse citations other than studies in this section as well. Plus a super easy way to boost other climate change wiki articles is to link them in your article.

Images and Media


There are some images at the beginning of your article, but nowhere else. An issue my group found was to make sure photos were allowed to be used.

Overall Impressions


All in all, this is a good article, but it requires a lot more references. I think a quick read through with fresh eyes would also help with some grammar, word choice, and random formatting mistakes. There is also a lack of information on the impacts on Algerians and other groups that may be disproportionately affected by climate change, such as women, children, elderly, and farmers.