I am Akaninyene Moffat by name, from West Africa, Nigeria to be precise. I was born into the family of Mr/Mrs Sunday Moffat on the 17 of september 2000 at St. Luke Hospital Annua Uyo -capital of Akwa Ibom State. I owe my special thanks to them for laying a good christian foundation for me. I started my Primary Education on 2002 at Qua Ibo Church Primary school Uyo, Akwa Ibom State where I obtained my first school leaving Certificate after 8 years of studies, I moved to High School on 2010 at West Itam Secondary School still in Akwa Ibom State where i studied for 6 years. On my 4th year at high school i choosed to be a science student. I was so good in science subjects. Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture and Geography where my Favourite subject and my teachers then were so good. I obtained my WASSCE at 2016 still at WISS... To be continued...