The van der Waals equation, named for its originator, the Dutch physicist Johannes Diderik van der Waals, is an equation of state that extends the ideal gas law to include the non-zero size of gas molecules and the interactions between them (both of which depend on the specific substance). As a result the equation is able to model the phase change, liquid vapor. It also produces simple analytic expressions for the properties of real substances that shed light on their behavior. One way to write this equation is:[1][2][3] where is pressure, is temperature, and is molar volume, is the Avogadro constant, is the volume, and is the number of molecules (the ratio is a physical quantity with base unit mole in the SI). In addition is the universal gas constant, is the Boltzmann constant, and and are experimentally determinable, substance-specific constants.

The force exerted by a molecule on another at a distance is the negative of the slope of this curve at . The force is repulsive, and large, for , and attractive when .

The constant expresses the strength of the molecular interactions. It has dimension pressure times molar volume squared, [pv2] which is also molar energy times molar volume. The constant denotes an excluded molar volume due to a finite molecule size, since the centers of two molecules cannot be closer than their diameter, . A theoretical calculation of these constants for spherical molecules with an interparticle potential characterized by, , and a minimum energy, , as shown in the accompanying plot produces . Multiplying this by the number of moles, , gives the excluded volume as 4 times the volume of all the molecules.[4] This theory also produces where is a number that depends on the shape of the potential function, .[5]

In his book (see references [3] and [4]) Boltzmann wrote equations using (specific volume) in place of (molar volume) used here, Gibbs did as well, so do most engineers. Also the property, the reciprocal of number density, is used by physicists, but there is no essential difference between equations written with any of these properties. Equations of state written using molar volume contain , those using specific volume contain (the substance specific is the molar mass), and those written with number density contain .

Once and are experimentally determined for a given substance, the van der Waals equation can be used to predict the boiling point at any given pressure, the critical point (defined by pressure and temperature values, , such that the substance cannot be liquefied either when no matter how low the temperature, or when no matter how high the pressure), and other attributes. These predictions are accurate for only a few substances. For most simple fluids they are only a valuable approximation. The equation also explains why superheated liquids can exist above their boiling point and subcooled vapors can exist below their condensation point.

The graph on the right is a plot of vs calculated from the equation at four constant pressure values. On the red isobar, , the slope is positive over the entire range, (although the plot only shows a finite quadrant). This describes a fluid as a gas for all , and is characteristic of all isobars The green isobar, , has a physically unreal negative slope, hence shown dotted gray, between its local minimum, , and local maximum, . This describes the fluid as two disconnected branches; a gas for , and a denser liquid for .[6]

The thermodynamic requirements of mechanical, thermal, and material equilibrium together with the equation specify two points on the curve, , and , shown as green circles that designate the coexisting boiling liquid and condensing gas respectively. Heating the fluid in this state increases the fraction of gas in the mixture; its , an average of and weighted by this fraction, increases while remains the same. This is shown as the dotted gray line, because it does not represent a solution of the equation; however, it does describe the observed behavior. The points above , superheated liquid, and those below it, subcooled vapor, are metastable; a sufficiently strong disturbance causes them to transform to the stable alternative. Consequently they are shown dashed. Finally the points in the region of negative slope are unstable. All this describes a fluid as a stable gas for , a stable liquid for , and a mixture of liquid and gas at , that also supports metastable states of subcooled gas and superheated liquid. It is characteristic of all isobars , where is a function of .[7] The orange isobar is the critical one on which the minimum and maximum are equal. The black isobar is the limit of positive pressures, although drawn solid none of its points represent stable solutions, they are either metastable (positive or zero slope) or unstable (negative slope. All this is a good explanation of the observed behavior of fluids.

Mathematical vs Empirical Validity


Any equation of state relating   and characterized by 3 constants, say  , cannot represent all real fluids. If this were otherwise, all fluids would have the same saturation curve, as shown in Fig. 2. for the vdW equation, but that is not the actual case as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Van der Waals became aware of this when he deduced the corresponding states principle from his equation;[8] Boltzmann also noted it.[9] Accordingly the vdW equation cannot be obtained from a mathematically rigorous derivation, although as Goodstein has noted "[m]any derivations, pseudo-derivations, and plausibility arguments have been given..." for it.[10]

However it has been proved that the vdW equation results from two limiting cases of statistical mechanics applied to a moderately dense gas. Both these demonstrations begin with the canonical partition function,  , written for a macroscopic system   Here   is the DeBroglie wavelength,   is the configuration integral, and   is the intermolecular potential energy, which using the pairwise additivity approximation,[11] is written as a sum of pair potentials   that depend on the distance between the two molecules. [12][13][14]

In one case the vdW equation has been shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the two term virial equation in the limit  ; hence in this case its mathematical validity exists for  . In the other case when the molecular attractive potential is infinitely weak and infinetly long-range, the limit   (here   is the characteristic length and simultaneously a measure of the strength of this potential) produces the stable states of the vdW equation connected by the coexistence curve; hence in this case the vdW equation plus its equilibrium coexistence line are mathematically valid when   and the potential is of the required type.

The trouble with all this is that in the first case the interesting region, in the vicinity of the critical point, is characterized by   which is not within the region of validity, and in the second case it is debatable if any real fluid has a potential function that satisfies the requirements of the proof.



In this case the canonical partition function which is given by , is related to the system pressure by

has the form  ,

and regarding   to be the sum of short-range repulsive potentials   and long-range attractive ones  , is that in a double limit process (  such that   are finite and  ), in which the attractive part of the intermolecular potential becomes infinitely weak and infinitely long-range (as  ), then   where CE is the complex envelope. This is the greatest convex function which is   the function. For example in Fig.8 the CE is the sum of the solid green and solid black curves. Differentiating, making use of   produces   This is the vdW equation, since   is calculated for  ; however, because of the CE the subcritical isotherms (see Fig.1) are cut off at   and the points connected by a horizontal line. These are the heterogeneous states that has lower free energy than the original curve; they are also the ones generated by the Maxwell condition.[15][16]



As Goodstein has noted, [17] "Many derivations, pseudo-derivations, and plausibility arguments have been given for this equation." The derivation presented here uses the canonical ensemble of statistical mechanics applied to a moderately dense gas. This approach makes explicit the assumptions required in order to obtain the van der Waals equation.[18][19][20]

The canonical partition function is defined as   where the first sum is over all the states of the system while the second sum is over the discrete (quantized) energies, and   is the number of states (degeneracy) with energy  . The function   specifies the thermodynamic Helmholtz free energy function by   (here   is the variable that specifies the  ), and through it all the other macroscopic thermodynamic functions,[21]  

On a macroscopic scale the discrete energy levels are closely spaced so little error is introduced by replacing them with a continuous variable and write   The integration is taken over all energies with little additional error incurred because the integrand is sharply peaked about its average value.[22] Furthermore on this scale the system energy, apart from its internal molecular structure, can be expressed in terms of the momenta and positions of the   molecules that comprise it   Here   is the vector momentum of the  th particle, and   is the potential energy of the   particles relative to one another where   is a shorthand way of designating the   vector locations   of the particles. When the individual particles move in three dimensional space the system state is specified by   variables so   can be represented by a point in this phase space whose elemental volume,  , has a dimension which is a power of action, [Et]3N=[mL2/t]3N. However, in order to make this calculation of   correspond to quantum statistical mechanical calculations, the elemental volume must be made dimensionless  , where   is Plank's constant. This results finally in the expression,[23][24][25]  

Of the 6  integrals in this expression,   of them, corresponding to the momenta, can be evaluated. Since   they can all be written as a single definite integral with a well known value   so that   can be written simply as   Here   is the thermal de Broglie wavelength and   is the configuration integral. The limits of integration of these integrals are specified by the volume occupied by the molecules. Since  , and subsequently  , it is the configuration integral alone that specifies the equation of state  .

When the molecules do not interact,   so  . Then taking its natural logarithm, differentiating with respect to  , and multiplying by  , produces  , the ideal gas law.[26]

At this point the system potential energy function,  , must be specified in order to evaluate the   integrals that make up  . This is difficult to do in general, but on making the approximation of pairwise additivity,   takes the form   When  , the distance between the two molecules, this applies to symmetric molecules. More fundamentally this approximation neglects the effect on the force exerted by one molecule on another when another is brought into their vicinity. Although the error created by this and other similar neglects (more than one additional molecule) is unknown, it surely becomes smaller as the number density,  , becomes smaller.[27][28][29] Using pairwise additivity   becomes   but the equality is only exactly true in the limit  .

Defining   the integrand can be written as   where the second line is a sum of terms that denote an interaction of two molecules, the third line is the interaction among three molecules, and so on.[30][31][32] For a dilute gas,   small enough, only interactions between two molecules are important , and in this case the partition function simplifies to   Here the differential volume has been separated to emphasize that   is a function of   only. Now all   integrals can be evaluated for the first element of the integrand, and   integrals can be evaluated for the second giving   The intermolecular potential is the same for all pairs of molecules, so since the first molecule can be chosen in any one of   ways, while the second can then be chosen in only   ways (since  ), this becomes a single integral in which, because the molecules are spherical, the angular coordinates in   have also been integrated   With  , then  , and this is written finally as   This form for   produces  

Now the infinite series   converges for  so for small enough molar density,  , this becomes more simply   Here only the first term of the logarithmic series, linear in  , has been written. All the remaining terms are   meaning they approach   at the same rate as  . They are not included because terms of this order have already been dropped, namely those that represent the interaction of three or more molecules. Carrying out the differentiation gives the pressure as,[33] [34]   This is just two terms of a virial equation of state, and   is called the second virial coefficient. Retaining the   terms that were dropped would have produced the entire virial equation of state, and this shows that the  th term of the expansion contains   molecule force interactions. For the dilute gas described here  , and the higher order terms are negligible.


Recall that   where  . A characteristic   is shown in dimensionless form in the accompanying plot. It is positive for  , and negative for   with minimum   at some  . Furthermore   increases so rapidly that whenever   then  . In addition for  , the normal case except when   is near  , the exponential can be approximated for   by two terms of its power series expansion. In these circumstances   can be approximated as   where   has the minimum value of  . Then, on evaluating the integral between   and  , the second virial coefficient can be written as, [35] [36]   Now   so   where  , and   is a finite numerical factor depending on the dimensionless intermolecular potential function   With these definitions the two term virial equation of state is  

The Taylor expansion of   is given by  , so when   the terms   are ignorable, as has been done throughout this derivation. In that case the expression for   can be written equivalently as,   which is the vdW equation,[37]

According to this derivation the vdW equation is an equivalent of the two term virial equation of statistical mechanics when  . Consequently it has been shown to be valid in a region where the gas is dilute,  , or specifically   [the requirement   is true whenever  ]. However,as Goodstein has noted, the most interesting behavior of the vdW equation occurs in the vicinity of the critical point where  , namely in a region where its validity is questionable. Thus he wrote that[38] "Obviously the value of the van der Waals equation rests principally on its empirical behavior rather than its theoretical foundations."

Yet this very remarkable empirical behavior ,which has been described in earlier sections of this article, provides irreplaceable insights; as Boltzmann noted, "...van der Waals has given us such a valuable tool that it would cost us much trouble to obtain by the subtlest deliberations a formula that would really be more useful than the one that van der Waals found by inspiration, as it were."[39]



In 1890 van der Waals published an article that initiated the study of fluid mixtures. It was subsequently included as Part III of a later published version of his thesis.[40] His essential idea was that in a binary mixture of vdw fluids described by the equations   the mixture is also a vdW fluid given by   where   Here  , and  , with   (so that  ) are the mole fractions of the two fluid substances. Adding the equations for the two fluids shows that  , although for   sufficiently large   with equality holding in the ideal gas limit. The quadratic forms for   and   are a consequence of the forces between molecules. This was first shown by Lorentz,[41] and was credited to him by van der Waals. The quantities   and   in these expressions characterize collisions between two molecules of the same fluid component while   and   represent collisions between one molecule of each of the two different component fluids. This idea of van der Waals was later called a one fluid model of mixture behavior.[42]

Assuming that   is the arithmetic mean of   and  ,  , substituting into the quadratic form, and noting that   produces   Van der Waals wrote this relation, but did not make use of it initially. However, it has been used frequently in subsequent studies, and its use is said to produce good agreement with experimental results at high pressure.[43]

In this article van der Waals used the Helmholtz Potential Minimum Principle to establish the conditions of stability. This principle states that in a system in diathermal contact with a heat reservoir  ,   and  , namely at equilibrium the Helmholtz potential is a minimimum.[44] This leads to the requirement  , which is the previous stability condition for the pressure, but in addition requires that the curvature of   is positive at a stable state.

For a single substance the definition of the molar Gibbs free energy can be written in the form  . Thus when   and   are constant along with temperature the function   represents a straight line with slope  , and intercept  . Since the curve,  , has positive curvature everywhere when  , the curve and the straight line will be have a single tangent. However, for a subcritical,  , with   and a suitable value of   the line will be tangent to   at the molar volume of each coexisting phase, saturated liquid,  , and saturated vapor,  ; there will be a double tangent. Furthermore, each of these points is characterized by the same value of   as well as the same values of   and  . These are the same three specifications for coexistence that were used previously.

Figure 8: The straight line (dotted-solid black) is tangent to the curve   (solid-dashed green, dotted gray) at the two points   and  . The slope of the straight line, given by  , is   corresponding to  . All this is consistent with the data of the green curve,  , of Fig. 1. The intercept on the line is  , but its numerical value is arbitrary due to a constant of integration.

As depicted in Fig. 8, the region on the green curve   for   (  is designated by the left green circle) is the liquid. As   increases past   the curvature of   (proportional to  ) continually decreases. The point characterized by  , is a spinodal point, and between these two points is the metastable superheated liquid. For further increases in   the curvature decreases to a minimum then increases to another spinodal point; between these two spinodal points is the unstable region in which the fluid cannot exist in a homogeneous equilibrium state. With a further increase in   the curvature increases to a maximum at  , where the slope is  ; the region between this point and the second spinodal point is the metastable subcooled vapor. Finally, the region   is the vapor. In this region the curvature continually decreases until it is zero at infinitely large  . The double tangent line is rendered solid between its saturated liquid and vapor values to indicate that states on it are stable, as opposed to the metastable and unstable states, above it (with larger Helmholtz free energy), but black, not green, to indicate that these states are heterogeneous, not homogeneous solutions of the vdW equation.[45]

For a vdW fluid the molar Helmholtz potential is simply   where  . A plot of this function for the suncritical isotherm   is the one shown in Fig. 8 along with the line tangent to it at its two coexisting saturation points. The data illustrated in Fig. 8 is exactly the same as that shown in Fig.1 for this isotherm.

Van der Waals introduced the Helmholtz function because its properties could be easily extended to the binary fluid situation. In a binary mixture of vdW fluids the Helmholtz potential is a function of 2 variables,  , where   is a composition variable, for example   so  . In this case there are three stability conditions   and the Helmholtz potential is a surface (of physical interest in the region  ). The first two stability conditions show that the curvature in each of the directions   and   are both positive for stable states while the third condition indicates that stable states correspond to elliptic points on this surface.[46] Moreover its limit,  , is in this case the specification of spinodal points.

For a binary mixture the Euler equation,[47] can be written in the form   Here   are the molar chemical potentials of each substance,  . For  ,   and  , all constant this is the equation of a plane with slopes   in the   direction,   in the   direction, and intercept  . As in the case of a single substance, here the plane and the surface can have a double tangent and the locus of the coexisting phase points forms a curve on each surface. The coexistence conditions are that the two phases have the same  ,  ,  , and  ; the last two are equivalent to having the same   and   individually, which are just the Gibbs conditions for material equilibrium in this situation. Although this case is similar to the previous one of a single component, here the geometry can be much more complex. The surface can develop a wave (called a plait or fold in the literature) in the   direction as well as the one in the   direction. Therefore, there can be two liquid phases that can be either miscible, or wholly or partially immiscible, as well as a vapor phase.[48] Despite a great deal of both theoretical and experimental work on this problem by van der Waals and his successors, work which produced much useful knowledge about the various types of phase equilibria that are possible in fluid mixtures,[49] complete solutions to the problem were only obtained after 1967, when the availability of modern computers made calculations of mathematical problems of this complexity feasible for the first time.[50] The results obtained were, in Rowlinson's words,[51]

a spectacular vindication of the essential physical correctness of the ideas behind the van der Waals equation, for almost every kind of critical behavior found in practice can be reproduced by the calculations, and the range of parameters that correlate with the different kinds of behavior are intelligible in terms of the expected effects of size and energy.

In order to obtain these numerical results the values of the constants of the individual component fluids   must be known. In addition, the effect of collisions between molecules of the different components, given by   and  , must also be specified. In he absence of experimental data, or computer modelling results to estimate their value, the empirical combining laws,   the geometric and algebraic means respectively can be used.[52] These relations correspond to the empirical combining laws for the intermolecular force constants,   the first of which follows from a simple interpretation of the dispersion forces in terms of polarizabilities of the individual molecules while the second is exact for rigid molecules.[53] Then, generalizing for   fluid components, and using these empirical combinig laws, the expressions for the material constants are:[43]     Using these expressions in the vdW equation is apparently helpful for divers,[54] as well as being important for physicists, physical chemists, and chemical engineers in their study and management of the various phase equilibria and critical behavior observed in fluid mixtures.

Another method of specifying the vdW constants pioneered by W.B. Kay, and known as Kay's rule. [55] specifies the effective critical temperature and pressure of the fluid mixture by   In terms of these quantities the vdW mixture constants are then,   and Kay used these specifications of the mixture critical constants as the basis for calculations of the thermodynamic properties of mixtures.[56]

Kay's idea was adopted by T. W. Leland, who applied it to the molecular parameters,  , which are related to   through   by   and   (see the introduction to this article). Using these together with the quadratic form of   for mixtures produces   which is the van der Waals approximation expressed in terms of the intermolecular constants.[57] [58] This approximation, when compared with computer simulations for mixtures, are in good agreement over the range  , namely for molecules of not too different diameters. In fact Rowlinson said of this approximation, "It was, and indeed still is, hard to improve on the original van der Waals recipe when expressed in [this] form".[59]

Mathematical details


In terms of the right ascension of the Sun, α, and that of a mean Sun moving uniformly along the celestial equator, αM, the equation of time is defined as the difference,[60] Δt = αM - α. In this expression Δt is the time difference between apparent solar time (time measured by a sundial) and mean solar time (time measured by a mechanical clock). The left side of this equation is a time difference while the right side terms are angles; however, astronomers regard time and angle as quantities that are related by conversion factors such as; 2π radian = 360° = 1 day = 24 hour. The difference, Δt, is measureable because α can be measured and αM, by definition, is a linear function of mean solar time.

The equation of time can be calculated based on Newton's theory of celestial motion in which the earth and sun describe elliptical orbits about their common mass center. In doing this it is usual to write αM = 2πt/tY = Λ where

Substituting αM into the equation of time, it becomes[61]


The new angles appearing here are:

  • M is the mean anomaly; the angle from the periapsis to the dynamical mean Sun,
  • λp = Λ - M = 4.9412 = 283.11° is the ecliptic longitude of the periapsis written with its value on 1 Jan 2010 at 12 noon.

However, the displayed equation is approximate; it is not accurate over very long times because it ignores the distinction between dynamical time and mean solar time[62]. In addition, an elliptical orbit formulation ignores small perturbations due to the moon and other planets. Another complication is that the orbital parameter values change significantly over long times, for example λp increases by about 1.7 degrees per century. Consequently, calculating Δt using the displayed equation with constant orbital parameters produces accurate results only for sufficiently short times (decades). It is possible to write an expression for the equation of time that is valid for centuries, but it is necessarily much more complex[63].

In order to calculate α, and hence Δt, as a function of M, three additional angles are required; they are

The celestial sphere and the Sun's elliptical orbit as seen by a geocentric observer looking normal to the ecliptic showing the 6 angles (M, λp, α, ν, λ, E) needed for the calculation of the equation of time. For the sake of clarity the drawings are not to scale.

All these angles are shown in the figure on the right, which shows the celestial sphere and the Sun's elliptical orbit seen from the Earth (the same as the Earth's orbit seen from the Sun). In this figure ε = 0.40907 = 23.438° is the obliquity, while e = [1 − (b/a)2]1/2 = 0.016705 is the eccentricity of the ellipse.

Now given a value of 0≤M≤2π, one can calculate α(M) by means of the following procedure:[64]

First, knowing M, calculate E from Kepler's equation[65]


A numerical value can be obtained from an infinite series, graphical, or numerical methods. Alternatively, note that for e = 0, E = M, and for small e, by iteration[66], E ~ M + e sin M. This can be improved by iterating again, but for the small value of e that characterises the orbit this approximation is sufficient.

Next, knowing E, calculate the true anomaly ν from an elliptical orbit relation[67]


The correct branch of the multiple valued function tan−1x to use is the one that makes ν a continuous function of E(M) starting from ν(E=0) = 0. Thus for 0 E < π use tan−1x = Tan−1x, and for π < E 2π use tan−1x = Tan−1x + π. At the specific value E = π for which the argument of tan is infinite, use ν = E. Here Tan−1x is the principal branch, |Tan−1x| < π/2; the function that is returned by calculators and computer applications. Alternatively, note that for e = 0, ν = E and for small e, from a one term Taylor expansion, ν ~ E+e sin E ~ M +2 e sin M.

Next knowing ν calculate λ from its definition above


The value of λ varies non-linearly with M because the orbit is elliptical, from the approximation for ν, λ ~ M + λp + 2 e sin M.

Next, knowing λ calculate α from a relation for the right triangle on the celestial sphere shown above[68]


Like ν previously, here the correct branch of tan−1x to use makes α a continuous function of λ(M) starting from α(λ=0)=0. Thus for (2k-1)π/2 < λ < (2k+1)π/2, use tan−1x = Tan−1x + kπ, while for the values λ = (2k+1)π/2 at which the argument of tan is infinite use α = λ. Since λp λ λp+ 2π when M varies from 0 to 2π, the values of k that are needed, with λp = 4.9412, are 2, 3, and 4. Although an approximate value for α can be obtained from a one term Taylor expansion like that for ν[69], it is more efficatious to use the equation[70] sin(α - λ) = - tan2(ε/2) sin(α + λ). Note that for ε = 0, α = λ and for small ε, by iteration, α ~ λ - tan2(ε/2) sin 2λ ~ M + λp + 2e sin M - tan2(ε/2) sin(2M+2λp).

Finally, Δt can be calculated using the starting value of M and the calculated α(M). The result is usually given as either a set of tabular values, or a graph of Δt as a function of the number of days past periapsis, n, where 0≤n≤ 365.242 (365.242 is the number of days in a tropical year); so that


Using the approximation for α(M), Δt can be written as a simple explicit expression, which is designated Δta because it is only an approximation.

The equation of time as calculated by the exact procedure for Δt described in the text and the asymptotic expression for Δta given there.

This equation was first derived by Milne[71], who wrote it in terms of Λ = M + λp. The numerical values written here result from using the orbital parameter values for e, ε, and λp given previously in this section. When evaluating the numerical expression for Δta as given above, a calculator must be in radian mode to obtain correct values. Note also that the date and time of periapsis (perihelion of the Earth orbit) varies from year to year; a table giving the connection can be found in perihelion.

A comparative plot of the two calculations is shown in the figure on the right. The approximate calculation is seen to be close to the exact one, the absolute error, Err = |(ΔtΔta)|, is less than 45 seconds throughout the year; its largest value is 44.8 sec and occurs on day 273. More accurate approximations can be obtained by retaining higher order terms [72], but they are necessarily more time consuming to evaluate. At some point it is simpler to just evaluate Δt, but Δta as written above is easy to evaluate, even with a calculator, and has a nice physical explanation as the sum of two terms, one due to obliquity and the other to eccentricity. This is not true either for Δt considered as a function of M or for higher order approximations of Δta.


  1. ^ van der Waals, J.D., Edited and with an Introduction by J.S. Rowlinson, On the Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States, Dover, NY (1988), p. 174
  2. ^ Epstein, P.S., Textbook of Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, NY (1937), p 9
  3. ^ Boltzmann, L., Translated by S.G. Brush, Lectures on Gas Theory, Dover, NY (1995), p 231
  4. ^ Boltzmann, p. 221–224
  5. ^ Tien, C.L., and Lienhard, J.H., Statistical Thermodynamics Revised Printing, Hemisphere Publishing, NY (1979), p. 250
  6. ^ Truesdale, C. and Bharatha, S., Classical Thermodynamics as a Theory of Heat Engines, Springer-Verlag, NY (1977), pp 13–15
  7. ^ Epstein, p. 11
  8. ^ van der Waals, J.D., Ann. Physik 5 (1881) 27.
  9. ^ Boltzman, p. ?
  10. ^ Goodstein, p. 443
  11. ^ Goodstein p. 252
  12. ^ Goodstein, pp. 51, 61-68
  13. ^ Tien and Lienhard, pp. 241-252
  14. ^ Hirschfelder, J.O., Curtis, C.F., and Bird, R.B., pp. 132-141
  15. ^ Lebowitz, J.L., Penrose, O., J. Math. Phys. 7, p.98, (1966)
  16. ^ Penrose, O., Lebowitz, J.L., Jour. Stat. Phys., 3, p.211, (1971)
  17. ^ Goodstein, p. 443
  18. ^ Goodstein, pp. 51, 61-68
  19. ^ Tien and Lienhard, pp. 241-252
  20. ^ Hirschfelder, J.O., Curtis, C.F., and Bird, R.B., pp. 132-141
  21. ^ Goodstein, pp. 51-53
  22. ^ Epstein, p 68
  23. ^ Hirschfelder, Curtis, and Bird, p 133
  24. ^ Goodstein, p 68
  25. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p 242
  26. ^ Hirschfelder, Curtis, and Bird, p 133
  27. ^ Goodstein, pp. 252-253
  28. ^ Hirschfelder, Curtis, and Bird, p 148
  29. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p 244
  30. ^ Goodstein, p. 261
  31. ^ Hirschfelder, Curtis, and Bird, pp. 137-141, 148
  32. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p 244-246
  33. ^ Goodstein, pp. 263
  34. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p 244
  35. ^ Goodstein, p. 263
  36. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p250
  37. ^ Tien, and Lienhard, p.251
  38. ^ Goodstein, p 446
  39. ^ Boltzmann, p. 356
  40. ^ van der Waals, pp. 243-282
  41. ^ Lorentz, H. A., Ann, Physik, 12, 134, (1881)
  42. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, p. 68
  43. ^ a b Redlich, Otto; Kwong, J. N. S. (1949-02-01). "On the Thermodynamics of Solutions. V. An Equation of State. Fugacities of Gaseous Solutions" (PDF). Chemical Reviews. 44 (1): 233–244. doi:10.1021/cr60137a013. Retrieved 2024-04-02. Cite error: The named reference "rw" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  44. ^ Callen, p. 105
  45. ^ van der Waals, RowlinsonED, pp. 245-247
  46. ^ Kreysig, E., Differential Geometry, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 124-128, (1959)
  47. ^ Callen, pp. 47-48
  48. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, pp. 23-27, 253-258
  49. ^ DeBoer, J., Van der Waals in his time and the present revival opening address, Physica, 73 pp. 1-27, (1974)
  50. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, pp. 23-27, 64-66
  51. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, p. 66
  52. ^ Hirschfelder, J. O., Curtis, C. F., and Bird, R. B., Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 252-253, (1964)
  53. ^ Hirschfelder, J. O., Curtis, C. F., and Bird, R. B., pp. 168-169
  54. ^ Hewitt, Nigel. "Who was Van der Waals anyway and what has he to do with my Nitrox fill?". Maths for Divers. Archived from the original on 11 March 2020. Retrieved 1 February 2019.
  55. ^ Niemeyer, Kyle. "Mixture properties". Computational Thermodynamics. Archived from the original on 2024-04-02. Retrieved 2024-04-02.
  56. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, p. 69
  57. ^ Leland, T. W., Rowlinson, J.S., Sather, G.A., and Watson, I.D., Trans. Faraday Soc., 65, p.1447, (1968)
  58. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson, p. 69-70
  59. ^ van der Waals, Rowlinson ED, p. 70
  60. ^ Heilbron p 275, Roy p 45
  61. ^ Duffett-Smith p 98, Meeus p 341
  62. ^ Hughes p 1530
  63. ^ Hughes p 1535
  64. ^ Duffet-Smith p 86
  65. ^ Moulton p 159
  66. ^ Hinch p 2
  67. ^ Moulton p 165
  68. ^ Burington p 22
  69. ^ Whitman p 32
  70. ^ Milne p 374
  71. ^ Milne p 375
  72. ^ Muller Eqs (45) and (46)


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