User:Ahmed Nisar/Wikimania 2015

Hello! Pleased to share my experiences in Wikimania 2015.



I have participated in Wikimania 2015 Mexico city global meet, on the invitation of WMF on the scholarship provided by WMF.

  • I have a pleasantest visit to Mexico, and felt as an educational tour.
  • Its a gathering of highly talented editors from all over the world.
  • The participants were from the Americas, Europe, Asia and African Countries.
  • The programs were so important, delightful and full of learning process.
  • The first two day sessions were of Hackathon's, which were full of technocracy.
  • The remaining three days main programs were full of knowledge and helped me to shape myself to edit better in Wikipedia.
  • I wish, you people too get chance to take part in future Wikimania to learn many new process of editing and enriching Wikipedia.
Wikimania 2015 event Mexico city