Ahmad Ojra

Eng. Researcher

Ahmad Yaser Ojra was born on 27th February, 1990 in Jerusalem. He lived in Bethlehem city in Palestine until he was 19 years old, when he traveled abroad to further his study in Malaysia then the united kingdom. He graduated with Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Sunderland in England, then he developed his studies by doing Master of Science in Engineering Management from the same university, and currently Ahmad is doing PhD research at Swansea University in the UK about the fourth and the recent industrial revolution 'Industry 4.0' and exploring advanced manufacturing by developing his own theory.

Ahmad recently founded and is leading an engineering network -Green Engineers- which aims to improve the people's life and sustain the environment. Additionally, he was elected as a Chairman of Students’ Union of the University of Sunderland during his master study and was leading more than 19,000 students, and he was awarded two times for his super volunteering work. Additionally, he was also elected as a Students’ Representative for MSc Engineering Management course for ‘2015-2016’. Moreover, Ahmad organised many educated events to the students and the locals in the UK.

Ahmad Ojra began writing at age of 10. He writes poems, short stories and some scientific papers. Ahmad's journey of living abroad has changed his life and developed his mentality while wondering the differences between countries, where humans are treated differentially and people think differentially when you cross border to another.

Ahmad has done an important study regarding to manufacturing location decision by promoting reshoring phenomenon to UK manufacturers to help UK to recover their industry. Moreover, he is currently developing Ojra's Theory for Industry 4.0, which will help big companies and governments to adopt Industry 4.0 effectively successfully.

Ahmad believes that education is the most effective gun to use against corruption and injustice. Therefore, he humbly shares his experience, journey and education with other people around the world to inspire them through his FaceBook page hoping that all humans work together united for a better future.

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