User:Affrocow/Social Collectivism



The central principle of Social Collectivism is that all people are born equal, and therefore should be given equal opportunity, equal rights, and equal political power. Social Collectivism aspires to provide unity, equal representation, self sustainability, accountability, and equality. The system is built on three main human ambitions: 1) People's desire to have control of their own lives, 2) People's desire to be empowered, and 3) People's need to be provided with the things they need to survive.



There are six goals which an economic system can strive for. These are Growth, Efficiency, Stability, Security, Equity, and Freedom. Every economic system has three of these goals which they strive for above all else, the basic ideology from which all other aspects of the politics are based off.

The three goals that Social Collectivism strives for are Equity, Security, and Stability.



The Government in Social Collectivism is a collective of the citizens of the country where the system has been implemented, and is made up of every denizen over the age of twenty who is deemed fit to govern. Criminals and mentally unstable citizens are exempted from governing. The basis for exclusion is a) that they are unable to be aware of the decisions that they are making, b) that they have abused their rights as a citizen criminally, or c)that it is deemed that they would make a deliberately wrong decision to hinder the system or for their own benefit. Other than these specific people, every person is considered a member of parliament.

Of all the citizens in the country who are government members, 500 people are democratically elected to sit on a republican council. The council members all run independently, and therefore are not bound by the views and morals of a political party. With a council of 500 members who are democratically elected, a majority of the populus' viewpoints would be represented, and so the council members voting on minor issues would be a fair method of choice. The council has the power to propose bills, laws, and legislation, as well as vote on small matters of parliament such as service maintenance, allotment of funds toward administration, foreign trade prices, and small changes in the cost of basic goods and services. All other citizens (members of parliament)who so choose can vote for the council members.

Every major decision in a Social Collectivist society is put to the public government in a two day open vote. Every member of parliament is presented with a voter card after passing a written test. This voter card must be presented in order to vote on any issue put forth by the rebublican council. On a day that a proposal is to be voted on, companies and organizations are required to give their employees two hours off to vote, coordinated amongst the companies so as to eliminate long lines at voting booths.

One of the most important aspects of Social Collectivism is that the council and other boards provide the populus with free healthcare, public transportation, education, social security, insurance, housing, and infrastructure in return for a 70% income tax. An elected board of accountants and the council members are required to organize the taxes collected and redistribute them to the essential services and their providers. 10% of the collected taxes are taken aside into a seperate account, to be distibuted to those with diseases or disabilities, as well as those who have retired from the workforce. These people are given an individually calculated amount of money monthly. In this way the workers, while providing for themselves, are also supporting those who need extra care and provision.

Another elected board sets up companies and sells them to whatever person or group chooses to buy them. All workers are considered direct employees of the government as well as an employee of the company where they work. No person can become an independent provider, because that would allow that person to set his own prices and charge unreasonable amounts for their product or service, and all wages in Social Collectivism are set by the government organization and standardized. A person who chooses to buy a company from the board is given special tax breaks based on the extra work load of money management, and the increased cost of doing business. There are no stocks or privately traded companies in Social Collectivism.

If the council proposes a general wage increase and it is voted for by the public government, then all wages will increase, not any wage seperately. The council would then raise the price of items, commodities, and services to get the extra capital required to distribute the higher wages. In response, the amount of money taxed would be greater, but the amount of money needed to upkeep the provided services would remian the same. Now the government organization would have more money to give back to the people through the provided services, improving their quality with the extra capital.

In a Social Collectivist country there would be a strong emphasis on the harvesting of resources, as a self sustaining nation needs to provide much of its own goods. Within the said country there would be many factories that produce many of the items that people need or want in society. Almost all of the goods will be produced inside the country, so they can be cheaply distributed. There will still be a wide range of fashions, styles, and designs, and there is no ban on importing or ordering a product from outside the country. All resources which are not needed for the country, as well as any extra produced goods, will be sold to other countries, but importing goods into the country would be less encouraged.



All people in a Social Collectivist nation who are able to do so are required to work for 25 years of mandatory career service, with exemplary job security and much more standardized wages than in most government systems.



Soon to Come



Soon to Come



Soon to Come