User:Aecharri/Luis Antonio Tomás Fernández de Portocarrero

Luis Antonio Tomás Fernandez de Portocarrero y Moscoso, (7 March 1649 - 1723), 5th Count of Palma del Rio, a title awarded in 1507, was the young orphan nephew of powerful former Viceroy of Sicily, Cardinal of Toledo, and politician of the Council of State under King Carlos II of Spain, Luis Manuel Fernandez de Portocarrero y de Guzman , (1635 - 1709). Powerful Cardinal Luis Manuel displacement from power was carried out by the later successful claimant to the throne of Imperial Spain, King Felipe V of Spain because of the Cardinal first likings on candidate Felipe but his posterior switching towards the oponent Archduke Charles of Austria, later known as Emperor Charles VI of Austria.

Cardenal Luis Manuel Fernandez de Portocarrero y de Guzman , the uncle of Luis Antonio Tomas, (1635 - 1709), Viceroy of Sicily, Cardinal of Toledo and powerful politician in the Council of State under Kimg Carlos II of Spain, first satisfied with nurturing the promotion as King of Imperial Spain of the later King Felipe V of Spain but later punished by siding by the other pretendant Archduke Charles of Austria, later Emperor Charles VI of Austria


Luis Antonio Tomas father, the 4th Count and elder brother of the Cardinal Luis Manuel when aged only 10, was Fernando Luis, 2 Marquis of Almenara, 6 Marquis of Montesclaros and Castil de Bayuela, but died aged only 19, 1 year after marrying Antonia Hurtado de Mendoza y de Moscoso, known usually as Antonia de Moscoso, by her use of her grand mother family name, rather than using either her father name, "Hurtado de Mendoza", or her mother family name, a "Rojas", Marquise of Poza de la Sal.

Widowed mother Antonia, the same than widowed grand mother Luisa de Guzman, was a most educated and very able businesswoman administrator of the Andalusian properties to be inherited by orphaned Luis Antonio Tomas, being the daughter of Soriawealthy proprietor Lope, 8 Count of Monteagudo, 4 Marquis of Almazan. She married again however, being still a very young widow, Enrique Enriquez Pimentel, 5 Marquis of Tabara.

Luis Antonio Tomas uncle was powerful Luis Manuel, brother of his teenager deceased father, Viceroy of Sicily, Cardinal of Toledo, member of the Crown Council of State under the ill and genetically exhausted through close interbreeding King Carlos II of Spain .

He married in 1667 the woman known as María Leonor de Moscoso, the sister of the nobleman known as Luis María Melchor de Moscoso Osorio, 8 Count of Altamira, Grandee of Spain, both being the offspring of Gaspar de Mendoza y Moscoso, 5 marquis of Almazán, 9 Count of Monteagudo, and of Inés Messía de Guzmán, of the 1st marquis of Leganés, later however considered a traitor to King Felipe V of Spain by siding in Cataluña with the other pretendant to the throne of Spain, [Archduke Carlos]], later Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI of Austria, (deceased 1740).

Luis Antonio Tomas was awarded the title of Grandee of Spain, 2nd class, by King Felipe V of Spain, in 1707.

Category:Spanish nobility Category:Grandees of Spain Category:1649 births Category:1723 deaths