Muhyadheen Muhammed Irumbuzhi : Born in 1995 at irumbuzhi; Malappuram District; Kerala; India. He is brought up as an orphan. In early period, he employed as a Pharmacist in Health services under the Government of Kerala. Later he was recruited as a Pharmacist by the Ministry of Health, KSA and employed in Al-Qassim Province. There he got opportunity to attend the Qur'an classes of 'Shaik Muhammed Saleh Al Uthaimeen', a prominent scholar in Saudi Arabia. Those classes encouraged him to study the Qur'an by referring the Arabic Thafseer written by 'Ibn Katheer' and English Thafseer written by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. As he went deeply through the Qur'an, he distinguished that the Qur'an is the only book revealed from the Heaven in different periods and different languages. And also distinguished the religious way of life following by people are deviated from the real way submitted by the Book. Muslims who bear Qur'an are more deviated than any other people, from the contents of the Qur'an, i.e. the way of life satisfied by the Lord for the entire mankind. So he started to propagate the soul of Qur'an through his classes from Saudi Arabia itself. After 15 years of service, he returned to India and started Qur'an classes in his native place. No sooner he formed a charitable trust to propagate the message of Qur'an known as 'STRAIGHTPATH QUR'AN EDUCATION'. Under this venture he is propagating the Message of Qur'an for entire mankind irrespective of nation or religion.

Though there are commentaries of Qur'an available in different languages, there are none which deal with the Soul of the Book. To overcome that blank, we would like to introduce Soul of the Qur'an in ones heart's language. Whoever read the Soul of the Qur'an carefully can understand that the Life; i.e. Meaning is entirely different from the Soul which is made very easy to grasp as per the verse 54: 17. In the book (Soul of the Qur'an), Qur'anic verses are explained with Qur'anic verses and with the sayings of the Prophet which are the actual interpretations. An effort has been made to point out how the verses are significant today. It has been carried out with a prayer to exclude my own ideas anywhere else, and to explain as intended by the Lord. The real author of this book is Allah, the Lord of All Worlds. We have published the explanation of the entire Qur'an (114 Suraths) in three volumes entitled 'Qur'aninte Athmavu' (Soul of the Qur'an) in Malayalam.