Adamental is an independent hip-hop artist and producer based out of kitchener, on (born in mississauga).  He writes writes and records all of his own music, using pianio as the primary instrument for beats, with Cam “Sea” Watson on guitars.
  Adamental recently released his debut album “State of MInd” online on iTunes, AmazomMP3, BandCamp and the Reverb Store (will appear in other stores soon) and also launched Adamental Productions - a Beats for Sale operation (11 beats uploaded).  Go to for more info and links; and to for videos.  Album is availalble at: BIT.LY/127E5R5.
  As a philosophical rapper, Adamental writes thought-provoking "conscious" lyrics and delivers them with a smooth, monotone, underground cadence (most commonly compared to the late, great "Guru" of Gang Starr).  His viewpoints are informed by his academic achievements: he graduated at the top of his class from Wilfred Laurier University, earning an Honours Batchelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, with the gold medal award for achieving the highest GPA.
  The term "Adamental" was coined to mean a fusion of "Adamant" and "Instrumental" - as in, "these beats are Adamentals". Adamental productions bring a signature sound with dope ass rhythm tracks infused with pianos, strings, harps, organs, guitars, and many other instruments. Adamental makes melodic beats, not that same-ol same-ol monotone tracks many rappers seem to use. As an old friend once said "your beats are the type that are recognizable, that every artist would want at least one Adamental on their album."