Hi, this is Alishia Webster , and I am so excited to share with you my testimony. It has been a long journey for me ,but I must say that it has been worth it . So if you have read "About Us " you have only read just a little about my family. This is were the good stuff come in to play. I call my self the lest of lest , to do any work for the Lord . I have not always been a good girl, I have had some ups and downs but in all God still loves me. When I got save in 1998 It was truly the best thing that ever happened to me. Better than getting married or even driving the best car and buying the best house. Salvation is great , it is truly a great work from God . God had delivered me from an out of control life style partying, drinking,fornicating etc .When He saved me "rescued" me from eternal doom,I mean I was free, not in bondage to any thing any more it was great . I started sharing my faith with others going to church faithfully ,praying all the time you name I did it . I even wore the long skirts but that didn't last. You see sanctification is not a look,its who we are in Christ Jesus. Until one day I felt like something was missing out of my life , a husband. So I started praying and fasting before the Lord crying out to him, because I really wanted to get married:because marriage is the will of God.So time went by,months years still no mate so I told the Lord God I give up,and I did. People that don't understand about backsliding ,it is a process you don't wake up one day and say I don't wont to be save any more. It started way back when you open a door that you should have kept close. Gal 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free ; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

       I went back in to the place that God had set me free from,only because God was not moving fast enough for me. Patients will mess you up and a lack of confidence in God will send you back wards. So it did not take me long to meet someone ,I went out one day and it was on.  I was getting me a husband at least I thought I was. Always remember that the counsel and the timing of God is so important .  So I started going back out to bars ,and  I met a man:You know it do not take long for the devil to notice that  your are outside the will of God. Because it was a set up from the start ,the devil comes only but to kill  steal and destroy. So I met this man and he was on drugs It was scary but, I was still determine to get married. I stayed with him for about 4th,but before I left him,this man robbed me he stole my TVs my car etc . Life for me was good before now I am starting to deal with the hardship of rebellion . Remember there is consequences behind your actions and you do pay a penalty for rebellion against God . For a while I thought I could handle him because,my sons father and I use to fight all the time,so if I can handle physical abuse I can handle any thing ,at least I    thought, Lord have mercy on our souls. The price  women pay just to be loved ,this man did not  have any thing, he was broke and a drug user  so what ever money  he did have he used for drugs. You be careful, you might be unequally  yoke to someone right know just so you can  be married  be careful the devil is out there waiting to devour you . Then I lost my job, Iam  in trouble now, I had to move back home with my mother then I left him. 
      I remember my bother telling me that "He was a low ranking spirit  he was not strong enough to control me in the spirit. So the devil brought another demonic attack against me, this was a stronger spirit ,because he had me in serious bondage I can not believe that I open the door to all these demonic attacks. They were really trying to take my life I mean really trying to destroy me. I think God that I had some word level for the attacks against me I probably would be dead. I had to fight in the spirit for months to be totally free,and I got help  from Pastor Joyce Thortune Thank you!! , See whoever controls the mind controls the battle you have to know your rank in the realm of the spirit. So then time went on months went by then years passed by see  when you step out your place in God on you do not plan on staying out there very long but you do . Days turn into month and months turn into years, It is so dangerous being out side the will of God,remember to always know the difference between your spirit and your flesh always know which one is operating. Marriage is good,but is it the desire of your flesh our your spirit ,your (flesh your human  nature with out God) :It is alway self center self willed self  gratifying it's needs and not God.
      So time went on ,and know  here comes a man who is fine !! :Good looking nice built ,I really wanted him .The devil knew  that I like good looking men , you see his looks was a challenge for me. I went after him and I got him, I forgot  all  about  the principals of God ,that when a man finds a wife he find a good thing. You  see looks is not every thing , he was using me, he was driving my cars ,I  was giving him money which is something I never did. I would feed him buy him things,the only thing I did not do was  give him a place to stay,he had that already. I come to find out he was on drugs, when you are weak and out  side your place  and you are not covered you are a open prey . He was putting cocaine in his nose , then he offered me some  and I said yes. Temptation only comes when you are weak not when you are strong . Mattew4:1  Jesus was in the wilderness and he was fasting he was hungry ,so the devil was trying to get  Him to meet a legitimate need  with out God (self willed) . Marriage is the will of God,but we need to wait on Gods timing , you get in a lot of  trouble trying to find your  own way. So know  I am hooked on drug, for about 4th but it seems like forever,I was messed up !!  this man stole my car  used me,introduced to me drugs and then left me,what a dirty trick the devil pulled on me. All this because I won't  to  be married,it was a set up from the beginning. Now I am thinking that no body loves me or didn't  care I was left out there to die. So here I am a alcoholic on drugs and then I lost everything I had: I went from having 2 cars to none,I went from being blessed to cursed  I was lost . Then the worst thing  happened  to me ,my mother was dying and here I am getting high,then she died in 2003 ,I lost my mind  I didn't even go to her funeral. I was messed up,I tried to kill my self by taking her old medicine,I slipped In to a great depression. People knew something was wrong with me. My father took one of my son to live with him for about 3mths and my oldest stayed with me .  
      All I could remember was looking in the mirror and looking at my sons pictures and praying asking God to help me.  So for a couple of months I would go into spiritual warfare through out my mothers house none stop. Binding drugs and alcohol and fornication you name it I said it .Then one day I told the Lord that I  can not  live my life this way any longer ,and that I would rather be dead then to live like this.  I believe that  I had  walked in a spiritual level in God before I had backslide.. My past has taught me to stay close to God and to all was be watchful,the spirit is always willing but youth flesh is weak. I had to learn to pray my way through that situations if had not,I know that I would still be out there. I believe God let me go through this for a reason, I was hard headed I wanted my on selfish way. Self willed , putting me first and not God, be careful of your desires make sure they are birth from out of your spirit not your flesh and wait on Gods timing to bring the desire that he put in your spirit to pass.
       Here comes my help !!!!  The Lord heard my cry , I promised the Lord that I would surrender to him and to be a help to other  people. I knew that God was calling me into  ministry when I first got saved,some people don't understand the way God is moving in my life (I was delayed but  but not denied)  The devil  put a stumbling block in the way. So God led me to a church,I visited  then joined the ministry then got ordained,that Pastor was not showing me favor.  It was God, I had to get to that place were He wanted me  to be in him, it took  process, purification, mercy and grace for me to be here today.
       I love you heavenly father because you loved me first, I promised you that I would share my testimony with others; so that it can bring glory to your name. 
      I pray that you will wait on Gods timing and that you would trust His will for your life,because it is all about Him not me our you. He called us to help him to fulfill his will on earth not ours.
      I can not do what ever I won't to do, I respect the Holiness of God  some people my say that I am  to deep or to spiritual.  Some people will be blessed and some people will be shocked about my testimony . I am  not ashamed from what God has brought  me from , I told the Lord, please do not let  my past be in vain.
      Know everybody knows why I talk so much I have a lot to be thankful for , I should have been dead a long time a go: But God had a better plan for my life , not just mine ,but yours to .
                             You be blessed and be encourage!! 
                                                                       Love, Alishia Webster

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . He me lie down in green pastures;He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul ;He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Even though i walk through the shadow of death , I will fear no evil, for You are with me Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me . You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head eith oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:1-6 I told you my More Information

How Can We Help You? No matter were you ARE IN your life God loves you and He wants you to be saved. God does not won't us to be in bondage to the devil . He wants us to walk in freedom. Whatever you are going through I challenge you to call upon the name of the Lord right know. With your whole heart let the lord heal you and save you. You do not have to be lost with out him. Make a place in your home a altar,a altar is the place of sacrfice. Cry out to the Lord until your life changes, you have to wrestle in the spirt like Jacob did untill he got his breakthrough