

INDIA, a country

  • where Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley(Indus Valley Civilization) was originated when whole other world was living nomadic lives in forests.
  • where algebra, trigonometry and calculus originated, which brought revolution in science and mathematics field.
  • where 0 was invented.
  • which was the only source of diamonds until 1896.
  • which has worlds largest democracy.
  • which was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century.
  • where Chess was invented.
  • which is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
  • where Sanskrit the mother of all the European languages was originated.
  • which has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.

and still Indians prefer to go to other countries for their benefit.

Just imagine what will happen to the country if all the Indians will work together under same nation, under same roof.

Well it seems impossible but lets just imagine...

  • NASA will be left with only 64% of the scientists it has today.
  • US will be left with only 62% of the doctors it has today.

34% employees at Microsoft, 28% at IBM, 17% at Intel and 13% at Xerox are Indians, now you can imagine what can happen to the world.

20% of gold in the world is used by Indians and nine out of 10 diamonds used in the world are made in India.

A country where you can get all types of climates from hot to cold, from wet to dry.

and still we(Indians) think that going abroad is a better option...well think again