
Artist - Physical Therapist & Painter - Aase Birkhaug

Believing that surroundings can influence one` s health and mind, Painter and Physiotherapist Aase Birkhaug has combined her two passions by painting roses for a soothing effect.

Having fallen in love with flowers, nature and painting from early age, it was only natural to merge these factors together at some point, and by combining the aesthetic beauty of botany with her skills as a painter.

It is documented that colors have an effect on the sensory system, and some years ago I made the waiting room in my physiotherapy office into an exhibition for my paintings, so I discovered that it influenced the patients mental state.

My paintings are regularly described as very soft and mild. The color combinations I use are tastefully and delicately fused to make a motif that can be described as very soothing to the eye.

I discovered several years ago that Roses have a positive effect on me, almost like healing, and the combination of the smell and the sight feels like a meditation, bringing about a certain calmness, this is something I try to reflect in my paintings.

I do my paintings in different media – Aquarelle – Tempera – Gouache – Oil – Acrylics and Pastell.

I have been drawing and painting since I was 6 years old.

I have had exhibitions both in Norway and several country` s abroad during the years 1990 – 2016.

In my family we have several painters who have inspired my art work and inspired with painting and the paintings I have painted during the years of my painting career .

To mention some names in my art family- Anna Sofie Brunchorst Ibsen, Henrik Ibsen , Harald Ibsen , Borghild Ibsen  and Conrad Birkhaug.

I have attended art and painting classes during the years from I was 13 years old until this anno 2016.

Facebook site with more of my paintings:

Google Blog – Aase Birkhaug Blog


·        My own Atelier og Gallery Bergen 2004-2015 – Galleri 39 / Grønnestølsvei 23c - 39

·        Hole Speil og Ramme Bergen 2004-2015 - Gallery

·        Prydkunst Hjertholm Bergen Sentrum + Lagunen 2004-2006 – Art cards Roses

·        Primstaven – Nesttun – Bergen – Norway – commision sale 2004-2006

·        Galleri 151 Alvøen 2004-2005 Exhibition – Summer Exhibition – Out in our Garden

·        Cafe Moldegaard Os i Hordaland – Spring –Summer Exhibition -  Roses  summer 2005

·        Cafe Moldegaard Os i Hordaland Easter Exhibition– Roses

·        The Lady and Womens Dinner - Fjøsanger Samlingene Rekstensamlingene - Art Collections at Reksten – Exhibition of Paintings - solo

·        Anemone Flower & Gift Shop  – Exhibition Solo 2004.

·        Sea and Marine Research Faculty in Bergen – Solo Exhibition  juli – september 2004

·        Det Hvite Hus / The White House – Interior Shop- Paradis Bergen – Summer  2004 – juni – juli  Solo Exhibition – vernissage 230 invited guests – flutists and grand opening.

·        Collectiv Exhibition - Barcelona – Gallery Sala Barna januar 2003

·        Collectiv Exhibition summer june 2002 Grebenhain - Germany

·        Solo Exhibition - NM i Dressage  Riding Moldegaard i Os 9-18 august 2002

·        Solo Exhibition  Flexibox Berstadhusets  Aula februar – mars 2002

·        Exhibition Freiaparken Norwegian  Rose Association Oslo juli 2001

·        Garden for Everybody - Sjølystsenteret Norsk roseforening april 2001

·        Solo Exhibition  Moldegaard Dressur grand Prix stevne juli 2001

·        Collective Exhibition - Oslo – Humanitare exhib for children in Brazilhumanitary Exhibition //inntekter til gatebarn i Brazil

·        Collective Exhibition - Solstrand Fjord Hotel Os i Hordaland 1991

·        Collective Exhibition - Gamle Bergen 1992

·        Collective Exhibition - Kløverhuset Bergen 1990

·         Hardanger Antikk Grova april 2001

·         Birthe Bo Interiør shop Bergen 1990-1993

·        Paintings Roses – Hole speil og Ramme Bergen 1990-2004

·        Paintings - Dammplass-stua Oslo 1990-1992

·        Paintings - Galleri Primstaven Bergen 2004-2005

·        Paintings - Vildanden Gave og Interiør Grimstad 2004 - 2010

·        Paintings - MK Interiør forretning Nesttun Bergen 2004-2005

·        Paintings - Annekset Interiør og Gave Geilo – 1991-1994

·        Spring International Salon 2 nd edition 03/26-30/2016

·        Taza International Biennal 2 nd edition 08/06-11/2016

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