Aaron Jamal Johnson was born in Kalamazoo Michigan at Borgess hospital on December 5th, 1990 at 7:21 pm weighing 7lbs 12oz. Recollection of his

childhood was very vague during an interview process, therefor brief in telling. Aaron was raised by his Mother and Grandmother. That of which he 

remembers to tell us not in bits and pieces takes place on a date of a near death experience that occurred to him on July 7th, 2007 21:33 hrs on Pitcher

street. At age 16 Aaron recalls himself riding his bicycle to his God brother's house. Aaron came to an intersection, slowed down as he tells it. He sees a car

coming down the road and he tries to time getting across the street before the car reaches the intersection. Tragedy strikes when the car doesn't see Aaron,

and as he puts it, "could not have been paying attention to the road and speeding" and hits him sending him flying thru the air and across the street in a

violent skid tearing off his clothing and shoes. Aaron suffered a head contusion, a broken right tibia/fibula, and road burns, those of which he still has to this

day. The end result of that tragic day to make make matters worse Aaron received a traffic violation for running a stop sign that was on his side, also the

driver sued him for damages to the car. Aaron was in the hospital for approximate. Aaron believes that on that day a new demeanor was born within him on

that day. And not of good. One that ultimately, as he puts it, "sent his life into a downhill spiral that leads himself into the justice system for an unexpungable

felony conviction. Aaron, has an incredible, inspiring story of triumph. One that entails, a battle with good and evil.