Ajay Booker
Ajay Booker

Ajania Booker.

“ So how many do I need to succeed?”


Biographical Information


Gender - Female

Status - Alive

Birthday - October 21st, 2001

Home - Queens, New York.




Melody White Ñee Summers ( Biological Mother )

Joshua White ( Biological Father )

Evelyn Booker ( Adoptive Mother )

Grace Stone ( Adopted Mother ᵗʷᵒ )

Benjamin Stone ( Adopted Father )

Jasmine white ( Half - Sister )

Milo white ( Half-Brother )

Drea Mikami ( Aunt )


Physical Description


Species - Human / Divine Spirit ( Currently )

Divine Spirit ( Originally )

Eye Color ( Hazel - Blue ) ( Originally )

Brown ( Currently )


Debut Appearances


Ajania has currently Debuted on NBC's tv series Manifest.

Ajania, who goes by her childhood nickname - Ajay.

Ajania was originally born by the name - Harmony White, her mother's name is Melody White and her father is Joshua White / Smith.

Born from am interracial parents, Ajania has received Racism from left to right.

A lot of those people like to say “ You can't be white, your skin color is white. You are an African American even if your inheritance is with a white woman ”.

Ajania considered herself a normal person, she never understood the term and word ' Biracial '. She's still a human being.

At the age of four years of age, Ajania was put up for adoption. Her mother and father got addicted to hard-core drugs and could no longer take care of her.

Ajania was adopted by a beautiful, African woman named Evelyn Booker and the woman changed her name from Harmony to Ajania.

Thus the nickname " Ajay " came to them. As the years go by, the beautiful Ajania meets the stone family.

They all met at the airport, but later in the season, it was confirmed they met before then.

Ajania and Calamander met at the park and the two gentle souls instantly connected and started dating until the age of 11.

When the plane hit, Ajania was left devastated. Ajania had to go through years of therapy.

At some point, Ajani started doing drugs with a 28-year-old man named Brian Miller and around the year the plane returned -

Ajania was sexually assaulted (Raped) and held captive and forced to have the rapist's baby.

Ajania hid her pregnancy and had her newborn baby girl at the hospital and never looked back.

As the plane comes back, Ajania is shocked at Calamander's still 11-year-old appearance.

Cal and Ajania were awkward around each other, but love was still in their hearts and soul.

After two years of living there, Grace gets pregnant with the youngest Eden Stone.

At this time Angelina Myer was staying with the Stones. And Ajania didn't like the Auburn woman.

The day Angelina tries to kidnap Eden, Grace, and Ajania jump in front to protect the baby girl.

Ajania ends up almost losing her life, While Grace ends up losing her life.

Love interests - TJ, Cal Stone, Olive Stone, Blake, Justin, Jasper.

Powers - Because of being a half-Spirit/ Soul. Ajania had the ability to use her mind to control things. Which is called - Telekinesis.

Ajania's height is - 170.18 centimeters.

Ajania skin tone is Russet tone, not too light nor too dark.

Ajania loves to sing and dance around the house, which always gets her in trouble with Grace ( Her Mother )

Ajania ends up getting pregnant again by her future husband Calamander Stone ( In the future ) and has another baby girl name - Beauty.

Ajania gets sexual assault again and has another baby.

The baby's name is unknown,


Season 4 - TBA