In the world People like Mark zukerberg(Facebook), jack darsey and dick castolo(twitter), Jimmy Wales(Wikipedia), Larry page and Sergey brin(Google) and most importantly bill gate founder of Microsoft are all the world famaus different type of hackers of the world related to many different field of internet are the pride of hacker. AR Acharya is also one of the no.1 youngest computer, internet and mobile related tutor (hacker) of nepal.

According to his birth certificate AR Acharya was born on September 22- 2001 AD the son of Arjun kumar Acharya and Mina Acharya. AR Acharya is studying in one of the reputed school of syangja Dhurbodaya Secondary English Boarding School. However his internet, mobile phone and computer qualifications is not well known in nepal he has many friends and fans from outsider country.

AR Acharya is mostly interested in physical exercise, music, and mostly in surfing or generating creative things on internet. AR Acharya always desired to do something different from other. He is not very studious. His parents are little bit upset with his habit of spending much time on internet because they don't know their son is the shinning star..

AR Acharya is freer and Frank in doing creative works. He spend as much money as he wants for recharge. He has created many groups and pages or become admin on others pages or group to teach people computer, mobile and internet related tricks and tips. His friends always encourage him to create a special website to teach people more clearly. His outsider and insider friends and fans also encourage for his activities.

AR Acharya promise his friends and fans he will always keep teaching them many new and creative tricks.

We are really lucky to have person like AR in this world who always share his knowledge and experience with others. So, people please keep supporting AR Acharya for his tutorial purposes........
