What's up? My name is Adam John Kendall. I've always gone by my initials A.J. and that is what everyone knows me by. I've been born and raised in Davis County Utah! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the predominant religion in Utah. My family moved to Layton, UT when I was two years old and I've lived here ever since, besides a couple of summers working in California. I love wakeboarding, snowboarding, being outside, and nature. I am interested in Real Estate and investing. I love my family and friends and value the relationships I have above just about everything. Lately I've gotten into making short youtube videos just for fun. I Went to Layton High School and graduated in 2007 and then to Weber State University and graduated in 2012 with a Technical Sales degree. I've been interested in Psychology and Neuroscience. I've also had a lot of invention ideas. I have four wonderful sisters and good parents who have supplied us with everything we have ever needed and wanted growing up. In 2007 after graduating from high school, starting college, moving, starting a new job, and preparing to serve a two year LDS mission, and my two older twin sisters moving out and getting married, I developed something similar to Bipolar II disorder, which really rocked my world. It was really confusing and difficult to deal with and stopped me from being able to serve a two year LDS mission, which had always been a dream of mine ever since I was a young boy. I was devastated.. My life was not going how I had always planned on it going. It is now six years later and I still have struggled with my planning being so thrown off, but I have learned to manage bipolar II disorder a lot better. I have gone to college and been able to work doing landscaping with my brother in-law, selling Living Scriptures for three summers, and working with my Dad in his land developments. I recently got my Real Estate license and want to buy a house. Life is good overall, from time to time the bipolar disorder throws me out of whack and slows me down, but I consider myself very blessed to have been brought up with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It has helped me stay away from drugs and alcohol in high school and college, which I believe would have destroyed me in my lowest times. It also helps me cope and overcome many of the intense emotions that come along with Bipolar disorder. I feel blessed to have been born into such a loving and supportive family and to have each of the LDS wards (neighboring congregations) that I have ever been a part of, to lean on as a support system, and give me an opportunity to serve in, and give extra meaning to my life. I work hard on staying positive, enjoying life, and encouraging others. I look forward to the future and all of the fun, exciting, teaching, and meaningful things that it will bring! Yes life is good and I have been blessed. I want others to know that their is always hope, we are children of God whom He loves very much and Jesus Christ, due to His great love for all of us, has offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for all of our sins, mistakes, and downfalls, so that we can continue to learn, grow, and develop ourselves despite our weaknesses. Never give up, Christ has overcome the world and as your advocate, and Savior, you can overcome all things if you accept Him and seek Him out in your life. He lives, an He loves you, He has suffered for you already, the choice is yours whether you will accept His gift to you of your Salvation or not. What will it be? Will you accept Him or not?