Hello all, My other name is Patrick Anderson.

I am working on describing an economic system that is in some ways very old, but has become mostly dormant because of the 'success' of Capitalism.

The basic idea is to scale the advantages of single ownership (such as a garden) to multi-owner organizations allowing us to share the costs of production for mutual benefit of those stakeholders.

This has already been accomplished in an ad-hoc manner with varying degree of success on the 'tribal' scale throughout history.

My goal is to identify how those ancient Organizational Forms differ from what we choose today, and then 'codify' those differences as a set of constraints that groups can choose to apply against some co-owned property as a Terms of Operation to protect themselves from outsiders and from internal destruction.

This is very similar to the high-level goals of the GNU GPL which uses Copyright to enforce Copyleft.

What I envision will use Property rights to enforce Property left.

I have begun calling this work Imputed Production to stress the natural elimination of our need to trade end products while increasing the Workers' ability to trade of services (voluntary specialization).

This is accomplished by organizing consumers to invest for use-value returns by noticing when an investor is simultaneously a consumer, his return can be Product instead of Profit.

This organizational form is unique in being both very productive and yet without a need to sell the end products because the owners of the Means of Production are the consumers who will use the product, and they own the product already - as a side-effect of their owning the Means of Production.

Notice the (co-)owner(s) of an Avocado orchard must pay all Costs, but cannot pay Profit because they do not buy the product ... but own(s) it *already*, as a side-effect of their owning the Means of that Production.

Imputed Production


Other hangouts
