
Article Evaluation


Review of the Gestational Hypertension article:

  • Article flows in a logical manner and all headings are relevant and important to the topic
  • Most all sections are rather short and brief
  • The article is incredibly neutral in tone and presents no subjective or biased information
  • The citations I checked hyperlinked to the correct sources, all of which were credible
  • A large portion of the article is about evolutionary considerations, but sections such as prevention and treatment lack information
  • references and citations are easy to access and are located at the end of each statement or sentence
  • This article does not include the sections a research article would, such as the ones we've reviewed in class, and lacks some areas of information
  • Information provided is relevant to the topic and useful to me as a student interested in the topic.

Possible Topics


Lacks information on signs/symptoms and diagnosis. Could add new sections on these

A section about types of barcode administration or contradictions against it could be added

Includes information about screening in the UK, but none in the United States. This could be added to. Additionally, the research section could be updated as it lacks more recent sources

Addition to Article


Added citation to article Francis Scott Key

Gestational Hypertension Contribution


Added information and citation: Mothers under 20 or over 40 years old[1]

Heading: Signs and Symptoms:

No single diagnostic test currently exists to predict the likelihood of developing gestational hypertension. High blood pressure is the major sign in diagnosing gestational hypertension. Protein in the urine, proteinuria, is a key indicator of the condition. Some women with gestational hypertension may present asymptomatic, but a number of symptoms are associated with the condition.[1]


  • Edema
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Blurred vision or sensitivity to light
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Persistent headaches
  • Increased blood pressure


  1. ^ "default - Stanford Children's Health". Retrieved 2017-11-30.