Dutch woman who is bedridden and almost a special power chair adapted to lying like in bed use.

Wide variety of interests and quite well adjusted to reading and writing in English (both GB and US) also an almost fluent speaker. A lack of training/opportunities is the only problem there.

Like reading books on paper and ebooks but also watch a lot of shows (both educational and for fun) and movies.

I am in love with wheelchairdancing but not really able to right now but have high hopes for the future. With the that love for dancing comes a love for music included.

If the Netherlands would have STEM programs in school it would be amazing. But now I have thought myself almost every thing I can learn on my own.

I also like to write old-fashioned with a fountain pen on really nice papers. But also for every day use. Fountain pens are my default writing tools.

My cat Garfield is a beautiful orange tall boy and comforts me throughout the day and just generally likes to cuddle.

Lastly the calendar currently says that I'm 40, my body falls like I'm 98 but my mind is still only 25 tops.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. Either here or via 247painandpositive(at)gmail(dot)com .