Assalamu alaikum

I am Alaukika.

All known me as 'Alaukika '

My online life begins at writings on Somewherein blog in the beginning of 2008. Though still I didn't write by the name of Alaukika but writing in another name about 1 year. Then I had to change my account because of the inconvenience with blog owners. From then I am Alaukika known to all as in the online world in one name.

After 2010 I allay my gatherings in somewherein blog for the various kinds of political reasons and started to writings at Sonarbangladesh blog that take the road at 2010 which victimized by the govt's fearsome paw like Amardesh at 2012. I am well known to all as a first class blogger in this blog which has getting popularity in short time.

That two blogs which possess in first position in Bangladesh Besides with prothom alo I am blogging in several blogs like small and large. At present I am a member of community bloggers forum. Though for my personal working pressure now I can't pass time in blog like before.

Currently, I gathered in Facebook at most time. Here all know me as Alaukika. Here I have become the beloved person with gradually. Though here some naughty persons attack me constantly like past & to be faced various kinds of spurious criticism, to be victimized much harassment. Many want to be stopped me.......

Yet overcome all obstacles I am running to forward constantly with publishing truth.

None can stop to me in this world except Allah ...

Only stay with me.


___অলৌকিক দিশারী(বাঁশি ওয়ালা)

He is very special to him but he doesn't expect to be special to others . In his eyes , all the human beings are equal and he thinks , he is a part of it . He respects all the poeple as human beings , and he has been struggling to establish all of our human rights ....

Nothing but he wants to see a peaceful life in everyone with better working opportunity , good standard of living place , an excellence in health service , safety and security ,freedom of speech as well as all other benefits of lives .