Why i joined


I made an account because i wanted to read articles about ants and termites. I find both ants and termites really gross but they are quite fascinating. (Personally i belive ants are better, sorry termite fans)

Why my username?


My username is "Änglens" and it was chosen because i wanted to choose the word "Ängel" but it was too similar to "Angel" which was already taken. The word "Ängel" is Swedish for angel and "änglens" is "the angel's" in Swedish.

I choose the Swedish word for "the angle's" since i have a interest in religion. My favorite is Norse mythology but i find most religions interesting.

About me


I am a human that uses Wikipedia sometimes. I mainly use Wikipedia to browse the pages but i have made some minor edits in a few pages. I use GNU/Linux as my operating system and my browser of choice is firefox.