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Pre Poll election results In Mexico Guadalajara, elections were not looking good for President Lopez Obrador Party as they were losing in the biggest city of Mexico. According to The Wall Street Journal “ President Lopez Obrador party was headed for losses in Mexico's second and third largest cities Monterrey and Guadalajara” (Montes, J,Luhnow, D, 1).

Pre Election in Guadalajara 2021 Many citizens of Guadalajara did not know who they wanted to vote for. However, the majority of the citizens registered to vote. According to New Brazzer “, 79 percent of Guadalajara citizens said the importance of their right to vote is decided” (New Brazzer, 2). This was during the pre-election percentage of Guadalajara citizens being able to vote.

Pre Election, During Election, and Post Elections In Guadalajara Mexico, many citizens were hesitant to vote because they did not know who to cast their votes for. This percentage of “35 percent of voters voted before elections, 27.5 percent in the first month of election and 18 percent in the last month of the election campaign”(Newsbreezer, 2) display the downfall of votes being cast during pre-election, during the election and post-election vote percentage.

Congress Seating The seating in congress has been a major setback. The number of seats acquired in congress from the MORENA party which represents Lopez Obrador contains a lower number in congress than any of his previous elections. “The President Morena party and allies will hold between 265 and 292 seats in the 500 person chamber far short of their current two-thirds majority” (Haldevang, M, Villamil, J, 3). The MORENA party will lose two-thirds of the majority of seats in congress. Overall the MORENA party decline in seating will cause a big stir in President Andres Lopez Obrador.

Deputy Results in Distrito 8 en Guadalajara in Centro The citizen party won this district with about 66,022 votes with a percentage of 40 percent. Jose Mauro Garza Marini was the candidate who won in this district for the citizen party.

Deputy Results in Distrito 9 in Guadalajara in Olimpica Maria Corona Nakamura was the person who took this election. She was part of the PRI party, MORENA and Verde. Managed to obtain a total of 43,772 votes with a percentage of 34.35.

Deputy Results in Distrito 11 in Guadalajara en Echerverria The PRI party associated with the MORENA and Verde party took this district in Guadalajara. Claudia Delgadillo Gonzalez was the winner of this district by 46,621 votes with a percentage of 33.

Deputy Results in Distrito 14 en Guadalajara Cruz Del Sur The citizen party was responsible for this district. Maria Leticia Chavez Perez and the citizen party managed to take 49,835 votes with a percentage of 39.

Municipality Results in Guadalajara In terms of the Municipality, elections result in the orange party known as the citizen party won. Jesus Pablo Lemus Navarro is the winner of this election and manages to obtain 226,896 which total 45.66 percent of the results.

Montes, J., & Luhnow, D. (2021, June 7). López Obrador Coalition Falls Short of Supermajority in Mexico's Lower House. The Wall Street Journal.

Admin. (2021, May 31). Elections in Jalisco 2021: Eight out of 10 from Guadalajara interested in voting. NewsBeezer.

Haldevang, M. D., & Villamil, J.

MX, PREP. “Consulta Los Resultados Del PREP 2021 Este 6 De Junio.” Publicacion,