Template talk:Snooker season points/2011/2012

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Betty Logan

The cut-off points for the 2011/12 and 2009/10 seasons will need to be incorporated into the formulas once they are announced (by removing tournaments from before or after the cut-off points depending on what is being calculated).

The 2011/12 formulas currently use the 2010/11 calender, so if the calender changes then tournaments will have to be added or removed from the 2011/12 and "current season" sections of template. If new tournaments are added to the calander then the corresponding tournament (and highlighting) codes will also need to be added to Template:Snooker season points and Template:Snooker player points.

  • Set 2009/2010 cut-off points as per the provisional calender at [1]. Currently Shanghai is dropped for the first cut-off, then the Grand Prix and UK for the second cut-off, the Welsh at the third and final cut-off. The China Open and World Championship will be dropped for the end of the season. Betty Logan (talk) 17:55, 19 May 2011 (UTC)Reply
  • Set 2011/2012 cut-off points as per the provisonal calender at [2]. This is subject to change. There is a new overseas ranking event to be played in July which will need to be allocated a code. I have reserved a place for this in the formulas. Also, the date for the World Open has not been set yet. It may be played at the end of the season in the "spare ranking slot", but for the time being I have left it in the October slot. It can always be changed if the tournament does get shunted on the calender. Betty Logan (talk) 18:13, 19 May 2011 (UTC)Reply