
This userbox template is one of a set of templates that can be used by an editor to express their opinion and personal preference about the use of singular they, a gender-neutral pronoun in use since the 14th century. The template takes no parameters and should not be substed.


{{User singular they}}



Adds a userbox supporting the singular they

Template parameters

Color of the ID squareid-c

Old: #EEFFE0; Twain: #D0FFE0; Native: #6ef7a7

Suggested values
Code Result
{{User singular they:neutral}}
they?This user has no opinion about singular they.
{{User singular they:Yes}}
theyThis user considers singular they standard English usage.
{{User singular they:Yes2}}
theyThis user considers singular they standard English usage.
{{User singular they:Yes Native}}
theyThis native speaker of English considers singular they standard.
{{User singular they:Gender (want of a better word)}}
theyThis user frequently uses the singular they for want of a better gender-neutral pronoun.
{{User singular they:No}}
he or she
This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.
{{User singular they:Their}}
theirThis user frequently uses the singular they as a gender-neutral pronoun but it comes out more as their.
{{User singular they:Sometimes}}


he or she
This user considers "he or she" to be more appropriate in formal English; however, the singular they deserves recognition as a less awkward gender-neutral pronoun.
{{User singular they:Gender}}
theyThis user frequently uses singular they as it is a handy gender-neutral pronoun.
{{User singular they:Gender-1}}
theyThis user thinks the singular they is far less clumsy than the he-or-she writearound.
theyThis user has a nuanced view of the singular they and of they in general.
{{User:UBX/singular they:Iffy}}
theyThis user considers singular they standard, modern, informal English usage, so avoids it on Wikipedia.
{{User:Coelacan/Userboxes/singular they}}
they This user uses singular they as standard English, as did Twain, Shakespeare and Chaucer.
they This user prefers singular they.