This template produces the URL of docket page at The template takes a single positional parameter, the docket number, typically presented as "YY-NNNN" where YY is the last two digits of the year the application was made, and NNNN the order they were received. The template accounts for the change in site structure introduced by the Supreme Court around 2016, which is performed by the supplemental template Template:SCOTUS URL Docket New. The template also accounts for dockets filed where the Supreme Court was the original jurisdiction, typically where docket numbers start with "22O".

Usage edit

{{SCOTUS URL Docket|docket}}

  • docket is the docket number

Example edit

{{SCOTUS URL Docket|09-1061}} produces:

{{SCOTUS URL Docket|17-1618}} produces:

{{SCOTUS URL Docket|22O155}} produces:

See also edit