

{{/row|State|Area|Members|Population|Temples (o=operational, u=under construction, a=announced)
|m=Missions|d=Districts|s=Stakes|w=Wards|b=Branches|fhc=Family History Centers|note=Note}}

  • Country: Including only the country name will automatically link to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in [Country]. Otherwise provide full link for different page.
  • Area: one to four letter abbreviation:
NAC=North America Central
NANE=North America Northeast
NASE=North America Southeast
NASW=North America Southwest
NAW=North America West
  • o: (optional) Number of operational temples in the country (including those temporarily closed)
  • u: (optional) Number of temples in the country under construction
  • a: (optional) Number of announced temples in the country
  • m: (optional) Number of missions in the country
  • d: (optional) Number of districts in the country
  • s: (optional) Number of stakes in the country
  • w: (optional) Number of wards in the country
  • b: (optional) Number of branches in the country
  • f: (optional) Number of Family History Centers in the country
  • note: (optional) Note to be shown next to country name. Typically this will be a reference or similar notation that occupies minimal space.

Used in congregational table of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership statistics (United States)