
{{Kommunestyre table
|name                      = Name of municipality in Norway 
|herad                     = "Yes" for a rural municipality ({{lang-no|heradsstyre}} or {{lang|no|herredsstyre}} / leave blank for a municipal council
|city                      = "Yes" for a city county ({{lang-no|bystyre}}) / leave blank for a municipal council
|borough                   = "Yes" for a borough council ({{lang-no|bydelsutvalg}}) / leave blank for a municipal council
|county                    = "Yes" for a county council ({{lang-no|fylkestinget}}) / leave blank for a municipal council
|start                     = Beginning year of the term
|end                       = Ending year of the term
|reference                 = Enter reference information in this format: "<ref>{{cite web|...}}</ref>"
|collapsed                 = "Yes" for a collapsed table / leave blank (default) for an uncollapsed table
|nynorsk                   = "Yes" for names in ''Nynorsk'' / leave blank for ''Bokmål''
|note                      = Enter any notes for the council (optional)
|Total                     = Total number of representatives
|Arbeiderpartiet           = Labour Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Avholdspartiet            = Temperance Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Demokratene               = Norway Democrats Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Folkets_Parti             = People's Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Fremskrittspartiet        = Progress Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Frisinnede_Venstre        = Free-minded Liberal Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Grønne                    = Green Party (enter number of representatives or leave blank)
|Høyre                     = Conservative Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|INP                       = Industry and Business Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Kristelig_Folkeparti      = Christian Democrat Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Konservativt              = Conservatives (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Kyst                      = Coastal Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF                       = Liberal People's Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Nasjonal_Samling          = Nasjonal Samling Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|NKP                       = Norwegian Communist Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Pensjonistpartiet         = Pensionist Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DRF                       = Radical People's Party / Labour Democrats (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Rød_Valgallianse          = Red Electoral Alliance (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Rødt                      = Red Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Samefolket                = Sámi People's Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Senterpartiet             = Centre Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Sosialistisk_Folkeparti   = Socialist People's Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Sosialistisk_Venstreparti = Socialist Left Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Venstre                   = Liberal Party (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Ap/KrF                    = Joint list of Labour and Christian Democrat (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Ap/Sp/V                   = Joint list of Labour, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Ap/SV                     = Joint list of Labour and Socialist Left (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/H                     = Joint list of Liberal People's and Conservative (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/H/V                   = Joint list of Liberal People's, Conservative, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/H/KrF/V               = Joint list of Liberal People's, Conservative, Christian Democrat, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/H/Sp/V                = Joint list of Liberal People's, Conservative, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/KrF/Sp/V              = Joint list of Liberal People's, Christian Democrat, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/KrF/V                 = Joint list of Liberal People's, Christian Democrat, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/Sp/V                  = Joint list of Liberal People's, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DLF/V                     = Joint list of Liberal People's, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|DRF/V                     = Joint list of Radical People's, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|FrP/H/KrF/Sp              = Joint list of Progress, Conservative, Christian Democrat, and Centre (enter number or leave blank for none)
|FrP/H/Sp                  = Joint list of Progress, Conservative, and Centre (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/Ap                      = Joint list of Conservative and Labour (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/FrP                     = Joint list of Conservative and Progress (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/FV                      = Joint list of Conservative and Free-minded Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF                     = Joint list of Conservative and Christian Democrat (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF/Sp                  = Joint list of Conservative, Christian Democrat, and Centre (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF/Sp/V                = Joint list of Conservative, Christian Democrat, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF/DLF/Sp/V            = Joint list of Conservative, Christian Democrat, Liberal People's, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF/DLF                 = Joint list of Conservative, Christian Democrat, and Liberal People's (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/KrF/V                   = Joint list of Conservative, Christian Democrat, Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/Kyst                    = Joint list of Conservative and Coastal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/Sp                      = Joint list of Conservative and Centre (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/Sp/V                    = Joint list of Conservative, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|H/V                       = Joint list of Conservative and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|KrF/Kyst                  = Joint list of Christian Democrat and Coastal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|KrF/DLF/V                 = Joint list of Christian Democrat, Liberal People's, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|KrF/Sp                    = Joint list of Christian Democrat and Centre (enter number or leave blank for none)
|KrF/Sp/V                  = Joint list of Christian Democrat, Centre, and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|KrF/V                     = Joint list of Christian Democrat and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|K/V                       = Joint list of Coastal and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|RV/NKP                    = Joint list of Red Electoral Alliance and Communist (enter number or leave blank for none)
|RV/SV                     = Joint list of Red Electoral Alliance and Socialist Left (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Sp/Kyst                   = Joint list of Centre and Coastal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Sp/V                      = Joint list of Centre and Liberal (enter number or leave blank for none)
|Sp/SV                     = Joint list of Centre and Socialist Left (enter number or leave blank for none)
|SV/G                      = Joint list of Socialist Left and Green (enter number or leave blank for none)
|SV/NKP                    = Joint list of Socialist Left and Communist (enter number or leave blank for none)
|SV/R                      = Joint list of Socialist Left and Red (enter number or leave blank for none)
|smallparty                = Option for minor parties / Enter English name (may be wiki-linked)
|smallparty_no             = Option for minor parties / Enter Norwegian name
|smallparty_color          = Option for minor parties / Enter color for party (if blank = white)
|smallparty_number         = Option for minor parties / Enter number of representatives 
|otherparty                = Option for local list / Enter English name (do not link)
|otherparty_no             = Option for local list / Enter Norwegian name 
|otherparty_number         = Option for local list / number of representatives 
|Local_Lists               = General option for local list (enter number or leave blank for none)



The setup of the table is mostly automated. You just need to copy the template onto the municipality's page and then input the numbers. Only the parties involved will display, everything left blank will be skipped. The party names display in Bokmål always unless you put "yes" on the Nynorsk line in the code. Leave the "county" line blank unless you are doing a county council.

Joint political lists


There are many options for joint lists for parties working together. Options are set up using party abbreviations.

Small/minor parties


Use the "smallparty" options to set up information to show a party that is not listed as an option above. For a second small party, use these options: smallparty1, smallparty_no1, smallparty_number1, smallparty_color1.

Local lists


Use the "otherparty" options to set up information to show specific name for a local list (bygdeliste). For a second local list, use these options: otherparty1, otherparty_no1, otherparty_number1. For a third local list, use these options: otherparty2, otherparty_no2, otherparty_number2. For a fourth local list, use these options: otherparty3, otherparty_no3, otherparty_number3. For a fifth local list, use these options: otherparty4, otherparty_no4, otherparty_number4.


Code: What displays:
{{Kommunestyre table
|name                      = Sample
|start                     = 2020
|end                       = 2023
|Total                     = 35
|nynorsk                   = yes
|reference                 = <ref>{{cite web|publisher=Statistics Norway|url=|title=Table: 04813: Members of the local councils, by party/electoral list at the Municipal Council election (M)|language=Norwegian}}</ref>
|Arbeiderpartiet           = 5
|Fremskrittspartiet        = 2
|Høyre                     = 8
|Kristelig_Folkeparti      = 1
|Pensjonistpartiet         = 2
|Grønne                    = 2
|Kyst                      = 1
|Kristne                   = 3
|Local_Lists               = 1
|Sp/V                      = 3
|otherparty                = Sample local list
|otherparty_no             = Felleslista
|otherparty_number         = 2
Sample kommunestyre 2020–2023 [1]  
Party name (in Nynorsk) Number of
  Labour Party (Arbeidarpartiet) 5
  Progress Party (Framstegspartiet) 2
  Green Party (Miljøpartiet Dei Grøne) 2
  Conservative Party (Høgre) 8
  The Christians Party (Partiet Dei Kristne) 3
  Christian Democratic Party (Kristeleg Folkeparti) 1
  Coastal Party (Kystpartiet) 1
  Pensioners' Party (Pensjonistpartiet) 2
  Joint list of the Centre Party (Senterpartiet) and the Liberal Party (Venstre) 3
  Local List(s) (Lokale lister) 1
 Sample local list (Felleslista)2
Total number of members:35
Preview of References
  1. ^ "Table: 04813: Members of the local councils, by party/electoral list at the Municipal Council election (M)" (in Norwegian). Statistics Norway.

Tracking categories


There are tracking categories for maintenance of articles using this template. An error message will be displayed during previews if any of these errors are present.