This template is designed to replicate the template Vorlage:Infobox Bahnhof on German Wikipedia in order to enable the rapid translation and porting of infoboxes from German railway station articles.



The following text can be integrated into the article. The equals signs will appear in the text one above the other.

{{Infobox Bahnhof
| Breite= 
| Name= 
| Bild= 
| Bildtext= 
| Kategorie= 
| Art= 
| Bahnsteiggleise= 
| Reisende= 
| Zugfahrten= 
| Abkürzung= 
| Homepage= 
| Eröffnung= 
| Stilllegung= 
| Architekt= 
| Architekt_Bezeichnung= 
| Baustil= 
| Stadt= 
| Ort=
| Bundesland= 
| Bundesland_Bezeichnung= 
| Staat= 
| Koordinate_Breite= 
| Koordinate_Breitengrad= 
| Koordinate_Breitenminute= 
| Koordinate_Breitensekunde= 
| Koordinate_Länge= 
| Koordinate_Längengrad= 
| Koordinate_Längenminute= 
| Koordinate_Längensekunde= 
| Koordinate_Region= 
| Koordinate_Typ= landmark
| Strecken= 



The table shows the German field names in brackets and italics after the English field name.

Field Compulsory field Links References Remarks
Width (Breite) No No No Width of the infobox, defaults to 300px if no value entered
Name (Name) No No No Name of the station, if empty, automatically defaults to article title
Image (Bild) No Yes No Please enter in the format [[|width]]. The width is given in pixels, e.g. 270px. Map: if no picture is provided, but coordinates are given, a map of Germany or the relevant country is shown on which the location of the station is marked.
Caption (Bildtext) No No No Here a caption can be entered if required.
Type (Art) No Automatic No Type of station. For further information see Railway station types of Germany
Category (Kategorie) No No No For German stations, the station category is used. It is sufficient to enter the category number. If required the template could be expanded to cover other countries.
Platforms (Bahnsteiggleise) No No No No of platforms
Passengers (Reisende) No No Yes No. of passengers per day
Train services (Zugfahrten) No No Yes No. of daily train services
Abbreviation (Abkürzung) No No No For German stations the abbreviation is given in accordance with the List of Deutsche Bahn station abbreviations.
Homepage (Homepage) No Yes, external No This is the link to the home page of the station concerned as given by Deutsche Bahn's search function. Because this URL is very long, please enter a short, one-line description like "" or "Station information".
Opening (Eröffnung) No Yes No Enter in the usual Wikipedia format
Closure (Stilllegung) No Yes No Can also be used to show the closure date of individual parts of a station. Enter in the usual Wikipedia format
Architect (Architekt) No Yes No The architect of the station building
Alternative Architect Description (Architekt_Bezeichnung) No No No Here an alternative field name can be used instead of "Architect" e.g. for female or plural names. If this parameter is not utilised, the description "Architect" will be used.
Style (Baustil) No Yes No Architectural style of the building
City/town (Stadt) No Automatic No Do not use links to disambiguation pages; use alternative text. The square brackets must be left out in such a case and the vertical line replaced by {{!}}. Alternatively the parameter Location can be used.
Location (Ort) No Automatic No An alternative to the above City/town parameter, in case the station is not located in a built-up area.
Do not use links to disambiguation pages; use alternative text. square brackets must be left out in such a case and the vertical line replaced by {{!}}.
Federal state (Bundesland) Yes Automatic No The template converts the entry for German states "intelligently" by adding a link to the relevant list of railway stations at the bottom of the infobox. If you want to add other countries in a similar way, please flag this up on the discussion page first. Links to German and Austrian federal states are automatically added.
Alternative state description (Bundesland_Bezeichnung) No Yes No For non-German stations an alternative field name can be entered here, such as canton or county
Country (Staat) Yes No No Entering a country name generates an automatic link. In the case of the Netherlands this links automatically to that country's list of stations. Please propose other candidates on the discussion page.
Latitude North or South (Koordinate_Breite) Yes No No Geographical latitude of the station, i.e. either N or S. If the station article already has the template {{Koordinate Artikel}}, the coordinates may be displayed twice in the upper right hand corner. In such a case the coordinates should be transferred from {{Koordinate Artikel}} to the corresponding infobox parameters and {{Koordinate Artikel}} deleted from the article.
Degrees of latitude (Koordinate_Breitengrad) Yes No No Degrees of latitude between 0 and 90
Minutes of latitude (Koordinate_Breitenminute) Yes No No Minutes of latitude between 0 and 59
Seconds of latitude (Koordinate_Breitensekunde) Yes No No Seconds of latitude between 0 and 59
Longitude (Koordinate_Länge) Yes No No Geographical longitude of the station, i.e. either W or E
Degrees of longitude (Koordinate_Längengrad) Yes No No Degrees of longitude between 0 and 180
Minutes of longitude (Koordinate_Längenminute) Yes No No Minutes of longitude between 0 and 59
Seconds of longitude (Koordinate_Längensekunde) Yes No No Seconds of longitude between 0 and 59
Regional code (Koordinate_Region) Yes No No The geographical region comprises a two-letter country code, a dash (-) and a regional code e. g. DE-BY, whereby DE stands for Germany (Deutschland) and BY for Bavaria (Bayern). (see also Template:Coord)
Location type=landmark (Koordinate_Typ=landmark) Yes No No This field has no significance for the template but is used by Wikipedia programmes that scan for coordinates. Always enter as Koordinate_Typ=landmark.
Routes (Strecken) No Yes No
  • All railway lines that associated with the station are listed here. Their names should be entered as a link. Long route names can be abbreviated to enable a single-line entry, but the link should still be retained.
  • For German railways the associated timetable number should be entered in brackets. Where no article exists for the railway line, a link may be made the right section of the List of scheduled railway routes in Germany (on German Wikipedia this is automated using Vorlage:Kursbuchlink)
  • The individual routes are displayed as a list. This is achieved, as in free text, by starting each line with a *. It is important to enter one route per line. Only in this parameter can an asterisk be used; all other lists must be created using <ul><li>Wert 1</li><li>Wert 2</li>…<li>letzter Wert</li></ul>.