name of the cave |
| Location | country, state/province, county/district, city/town |
OS grid | SK1194282685 |
OSI/OSNI grid | V803844 |
Depth | deepest portion of the cave |
Length | surveyed length |
Discovery | date of discovery |
Geology | geological strata |
Entrances | how many entrances |
List of entrances | names of the entrances |
Difficulty | skill level |
Hazards | list the hazards |
Access | private/public, etc? |
Cave survey | what manner of survey? (in software) |
name of the cave |
| Location | country, state/province, county/district, city/town |
OS grid | SK1194282685 |
OSI/OSNI grid | V803844 |
Depth | deepest portion of the cave |
Length | surveyed length |
Discovery | date of discovery |
Geology | geological strata |
Entrances | how many entrances |
List of entrances | names of the entrances |
Difficulty | skill level |
Hazards | list the hazards |
Access | private/public, etc? |
Cave survey | what manner of survey? (in software) |