
This sub-template returns the associated country's CPI for a specific year. It's used by {{Inflation/doc}} for calculating the inflation rate between two given years, which in turn is used by {{Inflation}} to calculate inflated values. It usually isn't meant to be called directly. The sources for this dataset are The French Economy in the Longue Durée. A Study on Real Wages, Working Days and Economic Performance from Louis IX to the Revolution (1250-1789) from 1262 to 1789, Six Centuries of Real Wages in France from Louis IX to Napoleon III: 1250–1860, Figure S2.4, to unify the dataset, European Historical Statistics, 1750-1970 for 1798 to 1809, Variations des Prix de 1810 à Nos Jours from 1810 to 1903, and Coefficient de transformation de l'euro ou du franc d'une année, en euro ou en franc d'une autre année – Base 1998 – série arrêtée from 1904 to 2020.

Usage edit


Providing no parameter or providing an invalid parameter will result in the "default" CPI, what usually means the latest one.

See also edit