

To generate the example demonstration, you would type:

{{Demo begin}}
<big>The demo goes here.</big>
{{Demo end}}

Optional attributes

Attribute name Default value Usage
title Example: Replace default text "Example:" at the top.
class   Additional classes, such as collapsed or plainlinks
background-style   Any valid CSS 'background:' style
bgcolor eee If background-style is not used, enter any valid CSS 'background-color:' hexadecimal value (do not include the hash mark '#')
border-style thin dotted #{{{border}}} Any valid CSS 'border:' style
border 666 Enter any valid CSS 'border-color:' hexadecimal value (do not include the hash mark '#'); border-style takes precedence for the outside border, but border is used in other places, too.
margin-style {{{top}}} {{{right}}} {{{bottom}}} {{{left}}} Any combination of valid CSS measurements (include the units; 'em', '%', 'in', 'pt', etc.)
top 0 If margin-style is not used, set the top margin (defaults to '0', no extra spacing on top)
right 0 If margin-style is not used, set the right margin (defaults to '0', no extra spacing)
bottom 0.125in If margin-style is not used, set the bottom margin (defaults to '0.125in' (1/8") spacing on the bottom)
left 0.25in If margin-style is not used, set the left margin (defaults to '0.25in' (1/4") spacing on the left, which matches the indent of most list styles)
padding-style 0.125in Works identically to 'margin-style'; default is 1/8" padding on all inside edges

See also
