Template:CityPopulation.de is intended to be used when citing CityPopulation.de (https://www.citypopulation.de).


first parameter (always required)
Title of page, or table on page
eg: {{CPde|Kazakhstan|...}}
eg: {{CPde|Kazakhstan: Regions|...}}
second parameter (always required)
URL after https://www.citypopulation.de/en/
eg: {{CPde|...|kazakhstan/cities|...}}
third parameter (default required)
source of data on website
eg: {{CPde|...|...|Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009 census|...}}
|nocite= (optional)
if the page you're citing does not cite any outside source
if used, third parameter no longer required
eg: {{CPde|...|...|nocite=1}}
|access-date= (optional)
format date how you want it to appear in the citation
eg: {{CPde|...|...|...|...|access-date=10 July 2020}}


  • {{CPde|Kazakhstan: Regions|kazakhstan/cities|Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009 census|access-date=10 July 2020}}
    "Kazakhstan: Regions". CityPopulation.de. Citing: Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009 census. Retrieved 10 July 2020.
  • {{CPde|Kazakhstan|kazakhstan|nocite=1|access-date=10 July 2020}}
    "Kazakhstan". CityPopulation.de. Retrieved 10 July 2020.