Talk:The Zero Years/Archive 1

Latest comment: 9 years ago by in topic Italian source

Italian source

I found an Italian source about this film:

Cineforum, Volume 46, Issues 1-5; Volume 46, Issues 451-455. Federazione italiana cineforum, 2006. p. 76.
  • "Voltiamo pagina con The Zero Years (Gli anni zero) di Nikos Nikolaidis. Questo regista è uno dei pochi a seguire un preciso filo stilistico e a guardare ad un unjverso che rimane saldo opera dopo opera. È un mondo chiuso, sovrabbondante d'oggetti degradati posti accanto ad arredi sontuosi o con la pretesa di esserlo. Ciò che c'è proposto è qualche cosa a mezza strada fra un palcoscenico baroccamente arredato e il deposito[...]"

WhisperToMe (talk) 13:16, 1 December 2014 (UTC)

That's great but unfortunately I do not speak that language. You'll have to take it to the translation centre where we'll see if it's usuble. (talk) 16:08, 1 December 2014 (UTC)
Here's Google Translate: "Turn the page with The Zero Years (Years zero) Nikos Nikolaidis. This film is one of the few to follow a definite stylistic thread and watching a unjverso remaining balance work after work. It is a closed world, overflowing of objects degraded places alongside sumptuous furnishings or claim to be. what is proposed is something halfway between a stage baroquely decorated and the deposit [...] " (talk) 16:16, 1 December 2014 (UTC)

@ I asked at it:Discussioni_utente:Rei_Momo#Help_with_Italian_source_of_.22The_Zero_Years.22 WhisperToMe (talk) 16:20, 1 December 2014 (UTC)

Great! Please tell me the news! PS: Can't speak Greek (or Spanish) unfortunately. I speak Hebrew, English, and German. PPS: I'm not sure how reliable it is considered here, but this might help with all of his films. I have no idea where it's taken from (All I can see is that the short credits at the beginning of this clip do not mention Sarmiento). What I thought is that this clip can simpy be cited via the standard references system and that his statements could thus be used as sources when writing the articles. (talk) 16:23, 1 December 2014 (UTC)

Hello! Rei Momo asked me to check this talk page for a translation; I'm better with english->italian than italian->english, but I'll give a try with the complete text (that you can find here; the whole last paragraph). It could be translated like this:

  • Let's turn page with The Zero Years by Nikos Nikolaidis. This director is one of the few that follow a precise "stylistic thread" and that look at an universe that remains steady work after work. It is a closed world, overabundant with degraded object set beside lavish furnitures, or pretending to be [lavish]. What is proposed to us is something between a baroque-decorated stage and a secondhand dealer's depot. In this closed setting there are agitating characters, usually humuliated and stripped women, larvas in charge of sexual practices anything but erotic. In this case they are four girls imprisoned, by a dispotic and totalitarian Power, in some kind of brothel for customers (of the Power?) with masochistic tendencies. During a particularly strong "session", a customer nearly dies and the three women hide him in a sort of cage. Soon the Power shows up demanding explanation for the customer disappearance and puts the women through severe interrogations. The four female figures, spread out in ages groups from youth to a sorrowful maturity, represent four stances of slaves in the face of autority (be it political, familiar or by the group). The tissue is built with an obsessive desire for freedom and rebellion, that marry to the almost-conspiratorial acceptance of the submission. All of that is ruled by the impossibility to escape a precise role - the only one that manage to get outside the door of the brothel returns inside by her own decision - together with the knowledge that there is no future and that the outside world is worse than the prison. The movie has features oscillating between the decadent and the intellectualistic, abounds with dialogues and the direction is unable to "use the scissors" as much as it is needed. Nevertheless, in spite of these flawa, we are in front of an original text and a cinema proposal that, at least, is not limited to copy other experiences

Hope it helps :) -- Syrio can I help? 19:44, 1 December 2014 (UTC)

Many thanks! (talk) 20:56, 1 December 2014 (UTC)