
Tetrafluoroberyllate summary


There is a lot of data here. It would be helpful if someone could summarize why this is important. I had to review Wikipedia guidance. Top level, "In science, the term natural science refers to a rational approach to the study of the universe, which is understood as obeying rules or laws of natural origin."

It is this rational approach that I have difficulty with. I discovered this topic looking for tetrafluoroberyllate data. A range of bond lengths are given, but I don't know if the Be-F bonds vary in BeF4 or by counter ions, Li2 vs Na2?

The orbital designations could use an explanation. Beryllium cation has two electrons, the same as lithium. Does sp3 mean BeF4 has a tetrahedral structure or does it mean the bonding is using p-orbitals of beryllium? LiF has six fluoride ions surrounding it. What is its hybridization?