

Why would you all want to delete an Icon from Spartanburg South Carolina? I, me, I was the member that exited from this group and requested the editting of the picture. If this is the ONLY premise for you all to "boot" these ladies out of here than I, for one am totally confussed about the intent of this encyclopedia, and the true defination of the word. The Sweet Tea Queens MORE than qualify for addage in the beginning...you all added them. They passed the orginal audition for petes sake. I, for one, find this interesting. PLEASE feel very free to contact me directly if you all have any questions, since I seem to have been the cause of this foolishness. I will mointor this subject in case you all respond. Thank you very much for your time in reading this. Signed Marie M.

I have now joined your system. I, and my e-mail addy, may be found within your system, user name: 1139U2. There you will find my e-mail address. Since during my tenure with The Sweet Tea Queens I helped spearheaded most of the humanitarian and philantropic endevores for them. These women were not only about fun and parades, but also, respected the essence of "giving back" to the community of which it hails from, as well as state wide endevors. One of which helped The American Cancer Society raise over $500,000.00 two years ago, thus making Spartanburg County South Carolina, Number 1 in the Southeast Region, as well as 10th in the nation in fund raising for their "Relay For Life". Go check The American Cancer Society, they'll back these facts up! Not to meation the donating of MUCH needed items every Thanksgiving (for three years that I'm aware of- maybe more) to the "Childrens Advocacy Center of Spartanburg". Some of their "appearances" at "special" events helped raise funds for "Spartanburg County Meals on Wheels", that was spearheaded by another group, just the shear presence of the Queens helped gross a lot of money for the group that was holding the benefit! I am sorry that I just became "aware" of the "booting/deleting considerations" today, or I would have written this last month to you. I realize that anyone can go in and "edit" someone's page. I would like to share a peice of wisdom that is on my computer: "If you are successful, you WILL win some false friends and some TRUE enemies. Succeed anyway." Whoever went in and took out the "pertinent" information" that lead to the consideration of deleation for non-quallfication- Did NOT have this groups "Best interests" at heart. With this being said, I have personal pictures of the fundraising, I was in the Television interviews, as well as my very own picture published with the rest of the grop in various STATEWIDE articles, and publications. PLEASE reconsider your apparent "done deal". Thank you for your time....1139U2.