Can this entry be made more accruate by having actual employees add to it? edit

I didn't know all of the history behind this company as I worked for them in 2002-2003. I do know that it was in 2003 that OSI actually aquired them. So not sure where this wikipedia is saying they were aquired before then?

Also I worked on the Gamaray scanning for Cargo Containers (mainly) but the truck mounted equipment was being worked on to make it much smaller. We made an enclosed scanner for baggage that was sheild and a radiotive pelet was place in the unit while in use and removed and safetly stored later. I might not have been aware of other locations and the possiblity that there were other parts of the company active at the time. Due to the nature of the work many things were very private. (talk) 21:44, 3 November 2022 (UTC)Reply