Correction of errors in Origin section


There were several errors and questionable statements. So I removed them. Here is why:

- Daniel 11:39, where the "strange god" thing comes from, was claimed to be referring to "alien" as in "space alien." Daniel 11:39 has nothing to do with the concept of a space alien (which didn't even exist at the time!); the translation of the term using "alien" refers to the original meaning of alien: someone or something foreign -- from a different location of with different customs. That is the meaning of the Hebrew word [1]. So "alien" as in illegal alien.

- That Daniel 11:39 is talking about antichrist is only one interpretation; preterism and others disagree with it.

- That Mars was considered a dual god -- where's that come from?

- That Mars was known as "Mars Quirinus" -- Quirinus was a completely different god. It was Janus who was called "Janus Quirinus."

  • If there is no direct source to identify Pyron's nature, I would say he is a being representing the sun or the same type star. Not some unfired Mars. There are many evidences support it. Check the ending in Vampire Hunter and you will find the most powerful one among them. --Mato Rei 12:40, 29 March 2007 (UTC)Reply