Talk:Game Maker/Controversy section

Controversy 2


In 2009, YoYo Games conducted a competition for a new official Game Maker logo, encouraging members of the Game Maker Community to submit their own designs, the winner was Albert Zak.[1] The decision received substantial criticism from the products userbase, becoming in a sense an internet meme. After the negative response, CEO of YoYo Games Sandy Duncan blogged and posted on his Twitter feed making it clear he was reconsidering the logo's design.[2][3]

In response to the criticism, a topic was posted on the Game Maker Community where users could contribute a new logo,[4] and on December 9, a new logo was chosen.[5]

DRM Pirate Debacle


In late 2012/early 2013, YoYoGames released a version of their new Studio IDE for cross-platform development that would import games and destroy all of the image type resources for some legitimate purchasers of the software by inserting a symbol of a pirate on top of the image. This was due to a fault in their Digital Rights Management software implementation which they use as a method of combating pirated copies of the software. The issue was addressed and fixed a few weeks later by removing the DRM.[6]

Controversy 1


Game Maker 8 logo


In 2009, YoYo Games conducted a competition for a new official Game Maker logo, encouraging members of the Game Maker Community to submit their own designs. On 27 November 2009 Sandy Duncan announced the winning design by Albert Zak.[7] The decision received substantial criticism via the Game Maker Community and YoYo Games Glog with thousands of comments posted in protest. Games mocking the logo were created as well. After the negative response, CEO of YoYo Games Sandy Duncan blogged and posted on his Twitter feed making it clear he was reconsidering the logo's design.[8][9]

In response to the criticism, a topic was posted on the Game Maker Community where users could contribute a new logo,[10] and on December 9, a new logo was chosen.[11]

DRM Pirate Debacle


In late 2012/early 2013, YoYoGames released a version of their new Studio IDE for cross-platform development that would import games and destroy all of the image type resources for some legitimate purchasers of the software by inserting a symbol of a pirate on top of the image. This was due to a fault in their Digital Rights Management software implementation which they use as a method of combating pirated copies of the software. The issue was addressed and fixed a few weeks later by removing the DRM.[12]

  1. ^ "New Game Maker Logo". YoYo Games. Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  2. ^ Duncan, Sandy. "Sandy on the Game Maker Logo". Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  3. ^ Duncan, Sandy. "Sandy on the Game Maker Logo (2)". Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  4. ^ New Game Maker Logo Suggestions on GMC
  5. ^ The (new) Game Maker Logo
  6. ^ GameMaker:Studio archived release notes (see 'version 1.1.690')
  7. ^ "New Game Maker Logo". YoYo Games. Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  8. ^ Duncan, Sandy. "Sandy on the Game Maker Logo". Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  9. ^ Duncan, Sandy. "Sandy on the Game Maker Logo (2)". Retrieved 2009-12-08.
  10. ^ New Game Maker Logo Suggestions on GMC
  11. ^ The (new) Game Maker Logo
  12. ^ GameMaker:Studio archived release notes (see 'version 1.1.690')