
Several sources, including biography for a book, give 1902. Schissel | Sound the Note! 18:24, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

Subject very biased

Lundberg's The Rockefeller Syndrome is ludicrously biased--no attempt at objectivity. A quick Google search doesn't show any critical evaluation of his work. So it is uncertain if his work is seriously regarded. The dust jacket of Syndrome claims The Rich and the Super-Rich was a number one bestseller in the US and Germany. The same source states Lundberg received a bachelor and master degree from Columbia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:18, 14 March 2008 (UTC) "A quck Google search" that "doesn't show any critical evaluation of his work" might only mean that the super-rich folks and their foundations and corporations that Lundberg exposed and criticized in works like "The Rockefeller Syndrome" have been able to use their political and economic clout to keep Lundberg's books off most U.S. university academic department reading lists.

Rich and Super-Rich Was certainly Bestseller in 1968

It's an excellent book (though certainly biased) that should certainly have its own article. Over this weekend, I'll write one. Here's a corroborating source for its bestseller status:,9171,838725-4,00.html. The Rich and the Super-Rich used to have its own article, and I believe Lundberg's was longer as well. He's just about as important as, say, Thorstein Veblen or C. Wright Mills - I hope Lundberg's article can gain length again.

Yes it is excellent. A few things he proves is this: p684 one can only get rich by favorable circumstances (good luck); corporations pay no taxes, it's paid for by raising prices of products; profit is before human life and health; fines on corporations are trivial for doing very bad things; marriage between the wealthy concentrates wealth into fewer and fewer hands; price fixing by corporations; most people in prisons are poor, the rich pay small fines for crimes; lobbying should be illegal; most corporations were started by doing something illegal or started soon after; welfare is quite inadequate; charade about monopoly; restored slavery in all but the name; 70% of Americans are poor; upper class crime steals more than all poor criminals; medicine is a luxury for the majority which few can afford; large companies steal ideas from the poor; most people appear to be failures and blame themselves even if they work two+ jobs rather than the capitalist wage system; Texas is controlled by absentee landlords just like Argentina; most people are not worth a living wage; most rich people are heirs (often quite stupid) would make terrible employees; law enforcers commit crimes too; most of USA'a early fortune builders were lightly educated, even dropouts; corporations run government; Corporations Crystal Palace where no one is ever fired, bawled out and keep ascending to higher privileges; most taxes are paid by the non-propertied; people fear that Social Security and welfare might make most people lazy but not true for the rich heirs; corporations become larger through cannibalistic mergers; war means peace, peace means war; the wealth of corporate power is 100%; if one business fails it causes an endless string of failures. Hillmon7500 (talk) 17:24, 22 January 2014 (UTC)

Early 20th century 3 men ruled the world Rockefeller, Mellon, Morgan; anti-trust laws are a joke; corporations profit from wars a lot; going into business for ones self is risky, 99% fail because failure is built into the system; most medical advances will never be available to most people; USA is an oligarchy not a democracy; most people are painfully law-abiding; corporate executives get free health care, & almost everything else; we have a failure system; problems affect the rich as well as the poor; slaves have no control over their lives; HL Hunt made radio comments that helped cause the assassination of Pres John F Kennedy; we have rigged elections so don't vote; military draft shows people have no control; there is the expense-account steal (even for call girls); World War 1 was produced by rich industrial tycoons, American and foreign, from far out in left field; Capitalism produced Communism; for the wealthy execs that's paid for by taxing the poor, the rich pay no taxes; USA has great poverty just like Russia, Argentina etc; Americans dread but seldom talk about what the loss of job and health effects would be; Foundations and Trusts were set up for the rich to keep their wealth, without paying taxes; corporations cannot fail due to bail-outs; taxation is a swindle & house of horrors.....and lots more that is illegal but accepted..... Hillmon7500 (talk) 17:41, 22 January 2014 (UTC)

It's also written quite humorously, so it's fun to read, lots of great sarcasm & exclamation marks! Hillmon7500 (talk) 19:49, 2 February 2014 (UTC)

Forgotten work

Perhaps the one book of his pen that remains relevant is Cracks in the constitution, isn't it? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sorumbatico (talkcontribs) 02:03, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

Relevance of Nazi propaganda section

I stumbled across this article while googling, and I don't see why the section about his work being cited in a Nazi propaganda pamphlet has any relevance. The only reason I can think of for including it is to attempt to discredit his work through guilt by association.3eguoxn02 (talk) 20:03, 7 May 2013 (UTC)