• Perhaps convert Electricity into a disambiguation stub. Edit a large number of incoming links, for example, to point to "electrical energy" or "current(electricity)" rather than "electricity."
  • Restructure according to the guidelines proposed in WikiProject Science, i.e. with the following sections:
    • Introduction: terminology issue; definition, examples, link to other electrical phenomena
    • Electricity in practice (avoid theoretical discussions here)
      • Types of electricity: direct vs alternating current; power surge; modulation (in phones); in digital signal
      • Property of electricity : Voltage, Ampere, frequency and time dependence, speed of propagation; electromagnetic radiation, antenna and interferences
      • Natural electricity: lightning, role in nervous system
      • Electricity in everyday life: source: power outlet, batteries, ...; consumption:lamps, computer, ...
      • Electricity in industry: electricity generation, storage and distribution; electrical networks, electronic
      • Electricity in science: electric charge; electron, ...
    • Electricity in theory (more advanced content, to explain the applications above)
      • Basic theory of electrical network: Resistance, inductance, capacitance
      • Electromagnetism: explain the link between electricity and electromagnetism
  • Add references